by Daniel Arenson
4.4 out of 5 stars – 5 Reviews
Kindle Price: $2.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
(Ed. Note: Jeff Bezos likes to talk about how, once you begin reading on the Kindle, the device disappears and it’s just you and the book. That’s great, but with this novel, you get an even more seamless, zipless experience. The author disappears, and it’s just you and the story, the characters, and a remarkably well-imagined world that shifts astonishingly in time and place….
Here’s the set-up:
Outcast from Hell. Banished from Heaven. Lost on Earth.
The battle of Armageddon was finally fought… and ended with no clear victor. Upon the mountain, the armies of Hell and Heaven beat each other into a bloody, uneasy standstill, leaving the Earth in ruins. Armageddon should have ended with Heaven winning, ushering in an era of peace. That’s what the prophecies said. Instead, the two armies–one of angels, one of demons–hunker down in the scorched planet, lick their wounds, and gear up for a prolonged war with no end in sight.
In this chaos of warring armies and ruined landscapes, Laila doesn’t want to take sides. Her mother was an angel, her father a demon; she is outcast from both camps. And yet both armies need her, for with her mixed blood, Laila can become the ultimate spy… or ultimate soldier. As the armies of Heaven and Hell pursue her, Laila’s only war is within her heart–a struggle between her demonic and heavenly blood.
Daniel Arenson is an author of fantasy fiction, from epic to dark and surreal.
Like many writers, he began his career writing short stories. He sold his first story, “Worms Believe in God”, in 1998. Since then, dozens of his stories and poems have appeared in various publications, among them Flesh & Blood, Chizine, and Orson Scott Card’s Strong Verse.
Five Star Publishing, an imprint of Gale, published Daniel’s fantasy novel Firefly Island in 2007.
His second novel, the dark fantasy Flaming Dove, was released in 2010.
“It’s really very simple: if you want to read about angels tossing around godlight and demons lashing whips and shooting fire while super-powerful archangels and archdemons blow up half the world trying to crush each other….well, here you go.”
5/5 stars: “This book is a delightful read, with fluid writing and a nice pacing of action interspersed with tender moments. It was easy to get into this story, and hard to put it down. I love the way nothing is really cut and dry throughout this story; the Ruler of Hell is not without merits, and the archangels not without sin. The author really forces you to take a step back and question where the line between good and evil actually falls, if there is even such a line. The story seems predictable, but I was surprised many times with the events leading up to the climax of the story. Even when I thought I had finished the story, there was one last surprise waiting for me at the end, a surprise that really drove home a main theme of the story. Best of all, the ending did what all the best endings do; it left me with something to ponder. I really enjoyed this story, and I believe Daniel Arenson is an author to watch!”
The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet: A Novel by Colleen McCulloughKindle Price: $0.00 $7.99Simon and Schuster Digital Sales IncText-to-Speech: Not enabled

by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, M.D.
but listed as “The Heart Foundation Book”)
Added Manually: 10/26/2010 7 am EST