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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Bestseller Alert: Emlyn Chand’s Paranormal Bestseller FARSIGHTED – Just $2.99 on Kindle and Currently Free for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library!


by Emlyn Chand

4.2 stars – 113 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:
  • “Chand’s characters are compelling and diverse… Shapri is a standout.” – Kirkus Reviews
  • “Alex Kosmitoras might not have a magic wand or vampiric strength and speed, but he is a totally swoon-worthy hero that any mom would be proud to let her daughter date.” – Melissa Luznicky Garrett, author of Turning Point
  • “You don’t have to be psychic to know that Farsighted is going to take the world by storm. Vampires are so last year.” – Kimberly Kinrade, author of Forbidden Mind
  • “I read the book in one sitting… the ONLY other time I have done this is when I read the Harry Potter series.” – Marie Bothwick, blogger at Write Panic Live

Alex Kosmitoras’s life has never been easy. The only other student who will talk to him is the school bully, his parents are dead-broke and insanely overprotective, and to complicate matters even more, he’s blind. Just when he thinks he’ll never have a shot at a normal life, a new girl from India moves into town. Simmi is smart, nice, and actually wants to be friends with Alex. Plus she smells like an Almond Joy bar. Yes, sophomore year might not be so bad after all.

Unfortunately, Alex is in store for another new arrival–an unexpected and often embarrassing ability to “see” the future. Try as he may, Alex is unable to ignore his visions, especially when they begin to suggest that Simmi is in danger. With the help of the mysterious psychic next door and new friends who come bearing gifts of their own, Alex must embark on a journey to change his future.

*Overall Winner of the Dragonfly eBook Awards, 2011

*Best Young Adult Fiction, Dragonfly eBook Awards, 2011

*Best Debut Author, Dragonfly eBook Awards, 2011

*Winner of the Alternative Booker Award, 2011
*Winner of the WritersType First Chapter Competition, September 2011
  • “Psychic or not, you’ll never see the end for this one coming! Emlyn Chand is pioneering ‘the next big thing’ for YA.” – Emily Reese, author of Second Death
  • “Farsighted is an epic battle of good versus evil that moves at breakneck speed to a stunning and totally unexpected conclusion.” – Terri Giuliano Long, author of In Leah’s Wake
  • “Is Alex blind? Yes. Bullied? Yes. A victim? Absolutely not! Emlyn Chand expertly tackles high school bullying, making Farsighted both an entertaining and an educational read.” – Kevin Carey-Infante, Author of Bani’s Dilemma
  • “Farsighted is for you if you like your paranormal a little mysterious, your romance a little temperamental, your contemporary a little sharp, and your teenagers more true to life.” – ME Summer, blogger at Sticking to the Story

From the Author

Q: What was it like writing from the viewpoint of a blind, teenage boy? Were there any parts of Alex’s personality/life you found hard to come up with?

A: You know, it wasn’t as hard to write blind as I initially thought it would be. It didn’t take long to begin “seeing” Alex’s world the way he does. I wrote the entire story without knowing what anyone or anything looked like (except for Alex himself). When it came time to shoot the book trailer, the directors were asking me questions about the scenes and which props they should bring, and I really, really didn’t know what to tell them!

As I got to know Alex better and better, it became easier to tune into his way of seeing things. I read books about coping with blindness in a school setting and spent a great deal of time pondering how I might behave if I couldn’t see. In the story, Alex has always been blind; he’s always known the world to be a certain way. Not everyone understands that, and they have trouble talking about it with him. I gave Alex a tendency to overcompensate. He knows who he is and what he’s capable of, and he wants the world to know it too, so sometimes he overdoes things a bit.

Q: Your cast of characters has international flavor? What’s behind that choice?

A: I don’t see why my characters all need to belong to the same culture or ethnicity. What fun is that? Culture shapes our characters in a big way, so by diversifying my cast, I was able to hit on more types of personalities and situations. Grandon is based on my hometown; it’s small and kind of boring. I couldn’t wait to escape and move on to bigger and better things. My home town was mostly Caucasian, but somehow I ended up with a very diverse set of friends even though they made up less than 1% of the student body. Fast forward a few years, and I end up marrying a man from India. He’s from New Delhi, like Simmi. I’ve always been fascinated by other cultures; I even decided to pursue my Master’s in Sociology for this very reason. I credit two early life influences for this attraction: 1) My adoration of A.C. Slater in Saved by the Bell, 2) Disney’s Aladdin being the best movie ever.
Q: What was the inspiration for Farsighted?

A: Everything started with a single image–my face in these tacky oversized sunglasses reflecting out at me from the car’s side mirror. I was daydreaming while my husband drove us across Michigan for my sister’s wedding. Something about my image really struck me in an almost horrific way. I felt the glasses made me look blind but found it so weird that there was still a clear image within them; it seemed so contradictory. At the time, my book club was reading The Odyssey, which features the blind Theban prophet, Tieresias. I started thinking about what it would be like to have non-visual visions of the future and began forming a modern Tieresias in my mind. Lo and behold, Alex Kosmitoras was born. I didn’t want him to be alone in his psychic subculture, so I found other characters with other powers to keep him company. Thank God for my poor fashion sense. 🙂

Q: What would you like readers to take away from Farsighted? Is there a different message for adults than for teens?

A: First and foremost, I hope that readers will enjoy themselves. My primary goal is to tell an interesting story that people will find entertaining and be glad they read. Secondly, I’d like to infuse contemporary Young Adult fiction with a bit more diversity and teach readers about the beauty of other cultures and other ways of life. I also hope that Farsighted is a book that leads to introspection–what would I do if put in Alex’s place? Did Alex ever have a choice or was this path his destiny? What would it be like to see the world the way he sees the world?
I like to think of anything I write as being kind of like a Disney movie, in that the primary audience will be children, but there are extra tidbits for the adults too. Farsighted has been infused with a great deal of research about runes, classic mythology, and Eastern spirituality, but you don’t need to understand any of that to be entertained by the story.
Q. There have been articles written this year about YA being too dark for teens. What are your thoughts on this?

A: I definitely agree. I want to get back to the core of the YA genre, and I attempted to do that with Farsighted. I also think that paranormal has gotten a bit too out there. One thing I hear from readers quite a bit is that the paranormal seems normal in Farsighted. They don’t question the existence of the powers, and it doesn’t seem out there like some other books of the genre do. That was important to me. I wanted my story to be run by the characters, not the fantastic elements. This is a story about Alex, not about a blind psychic.
Q: What motivated you to structure the book around the runes?

A: Remember how I said my Master’s degree is in Sociology? It’s actually Quantitative Sociology. I’m a numbers person as well as a word person. I love things to be organized just so. If you set a stack of papers in front of me; I’m going to fuss with them until they are lined up in a perfect stack. It’s just the way I am. Shaping each chapter around a rune gave the story order, which made me feel happy and comfortable. Whenever I got stuck and didn’t know what should happen next, I was able to learn more about that chapter’s rune and get the inspiration I needed to continue. The runes themselves tell a story, one that is successfully completed. I felt that boded well for Farsighted.  

Q:  What do you like to read? Who is your favorite author?A:  I LOVE YA–I read it, write it, love it! My favorite author is JK Rowling. The more I read, the more I realize how brilliant she is as an author. If you remove the dialogue tags from Harry Potter, you still know which character is speaking, and Rowling managed to create an intricate beautiful world without allowing her character development to suffer, which is tremendously rare. I consider her literary God. Suzanne Collins, and JD Salinger are classic faves.

My all-time favorite book is A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, definitely. The novel has so many layers and entertains on so many levels. Also the characters in that novel seem more real than those from any other I’ve ever read. It’s just beautiful–that’s the only word for it.

Q: What are you currently working on or going to work on next?

A: Farsighted is a 5-book series. Each book will be told from a different character’s point-of-view, so in book #2, we’ll actually be able to see what Grandon looks like! Next up is Open Heart. I hope to have that ready by the middle of next year. And don’t worry, Alex will remain an important character throughout the entire series; we just won’t be in his head anymore. I’m also toying with the idea of a special hardcover edition of Farsighted Book 1 with new chapters added to the end and a sneak peek of Open Heart.

About the Author

Emlyn Chand has always loved to hear and tell stories, having emerged from the womb with a fountain pen grasped firmly in her left hand (true story). When she’s not writing, she runs a large book club in Ann Arbor and is the president of author PR firm, Novel Publicity. Emlyn loves to connect with readers and is available throughout the social media interweb. Visit emlynchand.com for more info. Don’t forget to say “hi” to her sun conure Ducky!
(This is a sponsored post.)

Wait! … There’s More! … Two More Brand New Kindle Freebies From a Couple of Kindle Nation Daily’s Favorite Authors! – Hillary E. Peak’s WINGS OF HOPE and Spencer Baum’s THE HOMECOMING MASQUERADE

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a couple books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Thursday, February 02, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

Wings of Hope

by Hillary E. Peak

5 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

The bond of a father and daughter is special. When Jules’ father asks her to come stay with him because he’s terminally ill, she goes for the remarkable opportunity to really know her father. She never dreamed he had liberated a concentration camp, dealt cards to Bugsy Siegel, or saved the life of a Black Panther. Wings of Hope takes you on a road trip through the memories of a man making peace with his life through his conversations with his daughter. Teaching her that death is sometimes the most heartbreakingly beautiful part of life.

Hope is the last gift of a father to his daughter–the power to reach for her dreams.

*  *  *

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

In a posh suburb of the nation’s capital, at the most exclusive high school in the world, the vampires who secretly run the government have created a game for America’s daughters of privilege. Show up to Homecoming in a black dress and you’ve entered yourself in a contest where the winner becomes a vampire, and the loser becomes the winner’s first victim.

Only the wealthiest, most connected students can hope to win, so when new girl Nicky Bloom wears a black dress to Homecoming, everyone assumes she has a death wish. They don’t know that Nicky has her own agenda. As the dance continues into the night, they will find out that Nicky Bloom is far more than she seems.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Two Brand New Kindle Freebies From a Couple of Kindle Nation Daily’s Favorite Authors! – Julianne MacLean’s TAKEN BY THE COWBOY and Andrew Biss’ SCHISM: A PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a couple books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if  they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Thursday, February 02, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

Taken by the Cowboy

by Julianne MacLean

4.4 stars – 24 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Former bounty hunter, expert gunslinger, and the toughest sheriff Dodge City has ever known, Truman Wade is a real man from the tip of his black Stetson right down to his spurs and leather boots. He’s never met his match in a gunfight, but he’s never met a gorgeous, gutsy woman from the twenty-first century either…

Newly single after a rocky breakup with her self-absorbed fiancé, newspaper columnist Jessica Delaney crashes her car in a lightning storm and soon finds herself dodging bullets in the Wild West. Before the night is out, she’s tossed in jail for a murder she didn’t commit, and if things don’t seem complicated enough, the impossibly handsome sheriff in charge of her arrest has danger written all over him – and a sexy swagger to die for. Jessica knows she needs to get home, but when Sheriff Wade’s enticing touch sets her passions on fire, she begins to wonder if fate has other plans for her, and soon she must choose between the life she longs for in the future… and the greatest love she’s ever known.Julianne MacLean is a USA Today bestselling author of more than 15 historical romance novels, including her popular American Heiress series published by Avon/Harper Collins, and her recent Highlander Trilogy, published by St. Martin’s Press. She is a three-time RITA finalist with Romance Writers of America, a two-time winner of the Bookseller’s Best Award, and winner of a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for her novel LOVE ACCORDING TO LILY. Her books have been translated into many languages, and she is currently working on a new Regency historical trilogy. For more information about the author, visit www.juliannemaclean.com.

  • “Julianne MacLean’s writing is smart, thrilling, and sizzles with sensuality!”—Elizabeth Hoyt, bestselling author of Notorious Pleasures
  • “You can always count on Julianne MacLean to deliver ravishing romance that will keep you turning the pages until the wee hours of the morning.” – Teresa Medeiros, bestselling author of Goodnight Tweetheart
  • “She is just and all around wonderful writer, and I look forward to reading everything she writes.” – Natasha Smith, Romance Junkies
  • “MacLean enchants readers. Her special spark and brand of sensuality mark her rise to the top.” – –Kathe Robin, Romantic Times Bookclub
This book also includes bonus content:
An excerpt from THE COLOR OF HEAVEN by Julianne MacLean writing as E.V. Mitchell
An excerpt from THE REBEL – A HIGHLAND SHORT STORY by Julianne MacLean
An excerpt from THE LOOK OF LOVE (Chase & Chloe – The Sullivans Book 1,) a new release by Bella Andre
An excerpt from PRINCESS CALLIE AND THE TOTALLY AMAZING TALKING TIARA, first book in The Callie Chronicles by Daisy Piper

*  *  *

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

“A fun read, starts out rather cheeky and ends with a delightfully gruesome twist. Really enjoyed it.” –A Goodreads Review

 A New Psychological Thriller from Award-Winning Author Andrew Biss

As a boy, Horatio Higgins was ignored by the other children, but that didn’t stop him having lots of friends…friends only he could see and whom he’d regale with tales of his fantastical exploits. Eventually, though, his parents became concerned at the inordinate amount of time their son appeared to spend talking to himself and took him for treatment, which, in time, proved successful…almost. One friend remained. Unfortunately it was the spiteful one.

Years later, living alone in his tiny London flat, Horatio’s loneliness is mitigated only by his acid-tongued friend and the company of what he affectionately refers to as “my wife”. After losing his job, however, his life begins a rapid downward spiral…that is, until he meets a sweet, impressionable young woman named Nore. As their relationship lurches unsteadily forward, Horatio finds himself struggling against a riptide of conflicting realities he’s ill-equipped to cope with. Can Nore save him from himself or will she, too, be dragged into a world where the line between fantasy and reality becomes increasingly and perilously blurred?

Weaving together dark humour with shocking, unsettling twists, Schism is sure to stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.

Please Note: This book contains Adult Subject Matter.

Approximately 25,000 words (100pp.)

(This is a sponsored post.)

A Monthly Feature for the Greatest Readers in the World: Specially Chosen “Red Adept Select” Titles on Kindle – This Month’s Featured Title is Kindle Nation Fave Imogen Rose’s INITIATION

(Editor’s Note: We’ve had several opportunities to work with Lynn O’Dell of the popular Red Adept Reviews site over the past few years, so we’re very confident that she will be right at home here among the greatest readers in the world — you, the readers of Kindle Nation Daily. We’re very excited to introduce her to tell you a bit about the still very new Red Adept Select program and how we are working together to help our readers find great reading at great prices on Kindle. –S.W.)

Here’s Lynn:

I have been a book lover all my life. A little over two years ago, I began a book review blog, “Red Adept Reviews.” I focused on independently published (Indie) books because I loved having the opportunity to discover new talent. During my first year of reviewing Indie books, I was forced to give too many low ratings due to the poor editing of the books I reviewed. My frustration with that led me to start Red Adept Editing Service.

I am joined by a group of talented people who help me maintain excellent quality while I expand the services offered to writers. Every book edited by Red Adept Editing receives comprehensive editing and at least one complete proofread. We are proud to have edited over seventy Indie books, with many more to come.

Occasionally, we come across books that we simply can’t put down.

We recognize these books by branding them as “Red Adept Selects.”

Red Adept Select books are chosen by our professional team of editors and proofreaders for being “outstanding in their genre.” To avoid any conflict of interest, Red Adept reviewers do not review books edited by the team, though they do contribute in the choosing of our Select books.

And now, This Month’s Feature Title:

5 stars – 16 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
  • A Red Adept Select book (voted “Outstanding in Genre”-YA)
  • “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” – Herman Melville. That one phrase changed my life, AND my perception of what people expected.  So I wrote it down, in a little black book, and put it in my purse. Now, I can’t tell you exactly how many times I have read that 1 phrase since I wrote it down, but every time I read a book, and then bask in the brilliance of it’s originality I think of Herman and his wise advice. THEN…I think of the authors that exude this quality more than most. Imogen Rose is one of these authors.- KindleObsessed
  • Did the author make a deal with the devil or something to get this level of pure talent or what? Or maybe one of these demons from this book? Hmmm… – Candy Beauchamp (Candy’s Raves)
Welcome to Bonfire Academy!
Set in the foothills of the alpine mountains in St.Moritz, this exclusive private school caters to a special kind of student. Enter at your own risk… but if you are human, you may not want to enter at all.WARNING: This YA story is set in a school for paranormals who are very different from normal human teens. Thus, the language and some scenes might not be appropriate for younger YA readers. Recommended for those sixteen and above.INITIATION is the first book in the prequel series (Bonfire Academy) of the Bonfire Chronicles.
About The Author:

Imogen Rose is the author of the bestselling YA series, the Portal Chronicles. She was born in a small town in Sweden and moved to London in her twenties. After obtaining a PhD in immunology from Imperial College, she moved with her family to New Jersey, where she’s been based for the past ten years.

For as long as she can remember, Imogen has dreamt stories. Stories that continued from night to night, from dream to dream. So, even as a child, going to bed was never an issue, just an anticipation of the story to come.

PORTAL, Imogen’s first novel, would have remained in her imagination, to be shared only with her daughter, Lauren, had her eight-year-old not insisted that she write it down. In the course of a month, Imogen typed while Lauren waited eagerly by the printer for the pages to appear, and a novel took shape.

The warm reception PORTAL received encouraged her to continue with the story and the Portal Chronicles. Faustine is Imogen’s first book in her new series, the Bonfire Chronicles. She has recently published INITIATION, the prequel to FAUSTINE.

Imogen is a self-confessed Hermès addict who enjoys shopping, traveling, watching movies and playing with her dog, Tallulah.

A Brand New Kindle Freebie From One of Kindle Nation Daily’s Favorite Authors! – Julianne MacLean’s TAKEN BY THE COWBOY FREE on Kindle!

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here is a book that has just gone free by an author who have already proven to be a favorite with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab it now if it look interesting to you, because it probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Wednesday, February 1, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

Taken by the Cowboy

by Julianne MacLean

4.4 stars – 24 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Former bounty hunter, expert gunslinger, and the toughest sheriff Dodge City has ever known, Truman Wade is a real man from the tip of his black Stetson right down to his spurs and leather boots. He’s never met his match in a gunfight, but he’s never met a gorgeous, gutsy woman from the twenty-first century either…

Newly single after a rocky breakup with her self-absorbed fiancé, newspaper columnist Jessica Delaney crashes her car in a lightning storm and soon finds herself dodging bullets in the Wild West. Before the night is out, she’s tossed in jail for a murder she didn’t commit, and if things don’t seem complicated enough, the impossibly handsome sheriff in charge of her arrest has danger written all over him – and a sexy swagger to die for. Jessica knows she needs to get home, but when Sheriff Wade’s enticing touch sets her passions on fire, she begins to wonder if fate has other plans for her, and soon she must choose between the life she longs for in the future… and the greatest love she’s ever known.

Julianne MacLean is a USA Today bestselling author of more than 15 historical romance novels, including her popular American Heiress series published by Avon/Harper Collins, and her recent Highlander Trilogy, published by St. Martin’s Press. She is a three-time RITA finalist with Romance Writers of America, a two-time winner of the Bookseller’s Best Award, and winner of a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for her novel LOVE ACCORDING TO LILY. Her books have been translated into many languages, and she is currently working on a new Regency historical trilogy. For more information about the author, visit www.juliannemaclean.com.

  • “Julianne MacLean’s writing is smart, thrilling, and sizzles with sensuality!”—Elizabeth Hoyt, bestselling author of Notorious Pleasures
  • “You can always count on Julianne MacLean to deliver ravishing romance that will keep you turning the pages until the wee hours of the morning.” – Teresa Medeiros, bestselling author of Goodnight Tweetheart
  • “She is just and all around wonderful writer, and I look forward to reading everything she writes.” – Natasha Smith, Romance Junkies
  • “MacLean enchants readers. Her special spark and brand of sensuality mark her rise to the top.” – –Kathe Robin, Romantic Times Bookclub
This book also includes bonus content:
An excerpt from THE COLOR OF HEAVEN by Julianne MacLean writing as E.V. Mitchell
An excerpt from THE REBEL – A HIGHLAND SHORT STORY by Julianne MacLean
An excerpt from THE LOOK OF LOVE (Chase & Chloe – The Sullivans Book 1,) a new release by Bella Andre
An excerpt from PRINCESS CALLIE AND THE TOTALLY AMAZING TALKING TIARA, first book in The Callie Chronicles by Daisy Piper
(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Daily Readers Alert: Check Out Rosemary Mild’s Compelling Memoir of The Loss of a Daughter in The Pan Am Flight Terrorist Bombing – Miriam’s World And Mine – Now on Kindle

Miriam’s World -And Mine

by Rosemary Mild

Text-to-Speech: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:

Mother of Bombing Victim Chronicles Her Journey from Grief to Grace Despite Justice Undone and Political Betrayal.

“I plan to sing and dance my way through life, become internationally famous and live happily ever after,” Miriam Wolfe wrote in her high school yearbook. But her dreams ended brutally in December 1988. Returning home from a Syracuse University semester in London, she died in the terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Join her mother, Rosemary Mild, on her jagged journey from the grief of losing her only child to renewed courage inspired by Miriam’s legacy of love, humor, idealism—at age eleven she wrote to President Jimmy Carter, advising him on how to save the environment. Miriam’s World—and Mine leads us through two decades up to the present, revealing the saintly people of Lockerbie; the stalwart Pan Am families who spearheaded a law for improved airline security; the investigation by the CIA, FBI and Scotland Yard. And the harrowing trial of the two bombers. Most anguishing of all is the convicted Libyan bomber’s release, truly a betrayal of the 270 Flight 103 victims. Even today, how can a mother let go of anger (and should she?), when governments value politics over the lives of our innocent loved ones?

But wrapped around these nightmares, you’ll find comfort and joy—optimism undefeated—in the array of families’ memorials: scholarships, sculptures, a baseball field, and the Syracuse University Remembrance Quilt.

Finally, curl up with Miriam’s wisdom and wit in her entertaining stories, poems, diaries and essays.

About The Author


ROSEMARY, a graduate of Smith College, is a former assistant editor of Harper’s, a managing editor of Chemical Times &Trends, and an engineering writer at Westinghouse. She is the author of the much acclaimed Miriam’s Gift: A Mother’s Blessings–Then and Now. She is also the author of the newly published Miram’s World–and Mine. Together with husband Larry they have authored three Paco and Molly murder mysteries: Lox and Cream Cheese, Hot Grudge Sunday, and Boston Scream Pie. With Larry, they authored the much acclaimed Cry Ohana, Adventure and Suspense in Hawaii. She has published articles in The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun, Washington Parent, Washington Woman, Senior Highlights, Smith Alumnae Quarterly, and elsewhere. She is a member of the National Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and the Maryland Writers’ Association.


The Milds divide their time between Severna Park, Maryland and Honolulu,Hawaii, where they have family including two granddaughters. Additional family including two grandsons and a granddaughter–as well as 15 grandhorses–draw them to South Carolina.


(This is a sponsored post.)

Heads Up! Don’t Forget to Enter This Week’s Brand New KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, Sponsored by Barbara Frank, author of Anna of Corotoman

Feeling lucky?

Did you win a Kindle Fire tablet this week?

If you are Melissa Bleier of East Haven, Connecticut, you did. Melissa won hers on Monday in last week’s Kindle Nation Daily KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, and when it arrives at his home today he will become the 17th citizen of Kindle Nation to win a Kindle Fire from us in the past few months.

But we’d like for you to be one of about 50 people who will win one of these Kindle Fire tablets from us during the remainder of 2012, and all you have to do is follow the extremely easy steps at the end of this post to have a great chance to win.

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Barbara Frank, this week's sponsor and the author of ANNA OF COROTOMAN

Like each one of our weekly sweepstakes, this week’s giveaway is sponsored by a talented author who has proven to be a favorite with our readers. Anna of Corotoman author Barbara Frank is springing for the Kindle Fire that could very well end up with your name on it, so it only makes sense to pay it forward and stimulate both your karma and your imagination at the same time by chancing $4.99 to grace your Kindle with a novel that is averaging 4.9 stars on 10 out of 10 rave reviews from discriminating readers like us.

Here’s the scoop on Anna of Corotoman:

Anna of Corotoman (Princess Book I)

by Barbara Frank

4.9 stars – 10 Reviews

Kindle Price: $4.99

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:


A young girl is kidnapped in a remote region of Africa and transported to the new world on a slave ship, bringing along with her an ancient religion and a matrilineal legacy she manages not only to preserve, but to send forward into the future.


From the Reviews:


Anna of Corotoman is a beautifully written, meticulously researched and wonderfully imagined work of historical fiction that traces the life of a remarkable African woman taken in slavery in her youth to the New World. Barbara Frank is a gifted storyteller who has drawn from her own life experiences and her life-long immersion in history, particularly the history of the south and of Virginia. Anna’s story begins long before she’s born as we learn of her goddess-queen tribal ancestry. That ancestry and the mark of the goddess on her body mold her life as a house slave in colonial Virginia. Anna herself and the other beautifully-wrought characters we meet are memorable and moving. This is the first in Ms. Frank’s Princess trilogy, and I’m eager to read more.
Amazon Reviewer Diana

About the Author

Barbara Frank grew up in rural Arkansas and now lives on a farm in Virginia. During her years in academia, she wrote literary criticism and poetry, and held teaching positions at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Boston University, Howard University and the Federal City College, now the University of the District of Columbia. She later worked in the Africa Bureau and in the Sudano-Sahelian Office of the United Nations Development Programme, leaving UNDP for an assignment with the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. In the private sector she has held positions with two major international financial institutions. The discovery of bills of sale for slaves in the attic of an eighteenth century farm house provided the impetus for her books of historical fiction about an African girl and her descendants. See http://www.Marshbooks.com and http://facebook.com/pages/Marsh-Books/122257661183061 for backstory.

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