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Multi-millionaire serial child molester George Walden has used his wealth to escape detection for decades…. The Seduction of Tallchief by Doreen Owens Malek at an introductory sale price!

❤️ Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Day ❤️

The Seduction of Tallchief

by Doreen Owens Malek
Kindle Price: $3.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

THE SEDUCTION OF TALLCHIEF concerns the criminal pursuit of a multi-millionaire serial child molester, George Walden, who has used his wealth and connections to escape detection for decades. A reluctant, unconventional agent, Jefferson Tallchief, is sent into Walden’s New Jersey mansion to assemble the case against him. The relationship that develops between Walden’s bitter and reclusive daughter, Victoria, and the new hire acting as her driver forms the core of the story.

As they get to know one another, their prejudices (he’s Native American and she’s mostly WASP) dissipate and a bond slowly develops between them. While Tallchief works covertly to uncover evidence that will bring Walden to justice, he’s increasingly conflicted about his deceptive role in Victoria’s life.

Just when he has a major breakthrough that means he can put Walden in prison for good, Tallchief must deal with a shocking twist that changes the dangerous game entirely. The story builds to a tension filled climax which will determine the future of all the players involved. This riveting blend of suspense and romance makes a compelling, satisfying read.

United by love, divided by war. The powerful and moving story of three relationships forged by World War II…
Doreen Owens Malek’s WWII romantic drama Clash By Night

❤ Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Day ❤

Clash by Night (A World War II Romantic Drama)

by Doreen Owens Malek
4.3 stars – 57 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

United by love,
divided by war

As the German war machine claims Europe, tanks roll into the peaceful French village of Fains Les Sources, and the brave French Resistance fighters wage their desperate struggle for freedom. But for three proud, passionate women, the same fierce conflict that rages throughout France burns in their own hearts…and will forever change their lives.

From the sun-drenched beauty of the French countryside to the bloody beaches of Normandy, from the dark and terrible days of the Occupation to the glory of liberation, this is the magnificent story of the men and women, lovers and enemies, whose passionate dreams and undying patriotism shape the destiny of their land and their lives.

“Ms Malek is one of my favorite writers, and I was excited to find a kindle version of this novel. Great characters, fascinating backdrop, and a satisfying ending. And now I have a portable version to read whenever I want!” 4.0 out of 5 stars lovely ww2 romance

Follow author Doreen Owens Malek on BookGorilla

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Native American heroes… Hot, sexy love affairs… One great price for 4 romances:
Check out today’s Romance of The Day, NATIVE AFFAIRS (Four Contemporary American Indian Romances) by Doreen Owens Malek

♥Don’t miss today’s KND Romance of the Day♥

Native Affairs (Four Contemporary American Indian Romances)

by Doreen Owens Malek

Native Affairs (Four Contemporary American Indian Romances)
4.2 stars – 27 Reviews
On Sale! Everyday price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

700 PAGES OF ROMANCE READING PLEASURE!                                                                       


The common denominator in the four romances I selected for NATIVE AFFAIRS is the Native American hero in each story.   I chose to write about this Northern hemisphere icon because for me he exemplifies the strength and purpose and stoic masculinity always found in male romantic leads. From the physical trials his ancestors endured to reach tribal manhood, to the indefatigable courage they displayed in fighting the overwhelming numbers of European settlers, American Indians are unique in history. The modern counterpart’s ability to survive in society while retaining the mysticism and respect for nature and its processes that characterize his culture makes him a compelling figure. In my books this tenacity and toughness is translated into a contemporary setting and a relationship with a woman who challenges his background and beliefs. This contrast and conflict is what makes a good story and I’ve exploited that basic difference to tell tales that bring out the best in both characters who come together as a couple.In Blackfoot Affair the main characters are on opposite sides of a legal battle, and in An Indian Affair the hero is a renegade bounty hunter who meets a teacher he simply can’t resist. In Medicine Man’s Affair the hero is an athlete who has to defy his own prejudices to pursue a woman he doesn’t want to desire, and in Marriage in Name Only a troubled teenager becomes a conflicted millionaire who can’t forget his first love. All four men are a bit difficult, a little dangerous, and a lot sexy. I hope you enjoy reading about this quartet of heartbreakers as much as I enjoyed writing about them. Some details are provided below.

AN INDIAN AFFAIR is a conflict of cultures tale about two people who have nothing in common but can’t stay away from each other. Cindy is both frightened by and attracted to Drew Fox. Even though every instinct she has tells her to put distance between herself and the wild man she is drawn to so fiercely, she listens to her heart rather than her head. How these two achieve a balance between their conflicting natures is detailed in a compelling love story.

BLACKFOOT AFFAIR is a tale that begins with intense antagonism between professional combatants, Marisa Hancock and Jackson Bluewolf. Their constant conflict produces a tension that flares into a desire that complicates their lives until they give in to it. Once they acknowledge   their need for one another they make progress toward happiness. Then an accusation of betrayal drives the couple apart until it is resolved in dramatic fashion, bringing them together in a satisfying conclusion.

MEDICINE MAN’S AFFAIR is a story that shows that prejudices can poison a relationship on either side, but love can bring down these barriers and unite people of diverse backgrounds. Jennifer Gardiner meets Lee Youngson, a professional athlete who wants to be a doctor but believes his dream is impossible. Jennifer helps him to realize his ambitions and see that he doesn’t have to compromise his principles in order to love the woman he truly wants.

MARRIAGE IN NAME ONLY is a reunion story disguised as a revenge tale. After rich girl meets poor boy and then they are separated, Heath Bodine tells himself he is determined to punish his childhood sweetheart. But he is really still in love with the girl he thinks abandoned him years earlier. It is an intense, highly emotional story of youthful passion which translates into an enduring attachment once issues of honestly and loyalty are addressed. When Heath finally learns to trust Jessica, a mature and enduring is created between the two lovers.

*  *  *

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Tick tock! Kindle Countdown Deal! 4-in-1 BOXED SET ALERT! Native Affairs (Four Contemporary American Indian Romances) By Doreen Owens Malek – Now Just $0.99
**Plus Today’s Kindle Daily Deals

Native Affairs (Four Contemporary American Indian Romances)

by Doreen Owens Malek

Native Affairs (Four Contemporary American Indian Romances)
4.3 stars – 18 Reviews
Or FREE with Learn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

On Sale! Kindle Countdown Deal! 4 books for $0.99 – that’s just $.2425 cents per book !                                                 



The common denominator in the four romances I selected for NATIVE AFFAIRS is the Native American hero in each story.   I chose to write about this Northern hemisphere icon because for me he exemplifies the strength and purpose and stoic masculinity always found in male romantic leads. From the physical trials his ancestors endured to reach tribal manhood, to the indefatigable courage they displayed in fighting the overwhelming numbers of European settlers, American Indians are unique in history. The modern counterpart’s ability to survive in society while retaining the mysticism and respect for nature and its processes that characterize his culture makes him a compelling figure. In my books this tenacity and toughness is translated into a contemporary setting and a relationship with a woman who challenges his background and beliefs. This contrast and conflict is what makes a good story and I’ve exploited that basic difference to tell tales that bring out the best in both characters who come together as a couple.In Blackfoot Affair the main characters are on opposite sides of a legal battle, and in An Indian Affair the hero is a renegade bounty hunter who meets a teacher he simply can’t resist. In Medicine Man’s Affair the hero is an athlete who has to defy his own prejudices to pursue a woman he doesn’t want to desire, and in Marriage in Name Only a troubled teenager becomes a conflicted millionaire who can’t forget his first love. All four men are a bit difficult, a little dangerous, and a lot sexy. I hope you enjoy reading about this quartet of heartbreakers as much as I enjoyed writing about them. Some details are provided below.

AN INDIAN AFFAIR is a conflict of cultures tale about two people who have nothing in common but can’t stay away from each other. Cindy is both frightened by and attracted to Drew Fox. Even though every instinct she has tells her to put distance between herself and the wild man she is drawn to so fiercely, she listens to her heart rather than her head. How these two achieve a balance between their conflicting natures is detailed in a compelling love story.

BLACKFOOT AFFAIR is a tale that begins with intense antagonism between professional combatants, Marisa Hancock and Jackson Bluewolf. Their constant conflict produces a tension that flares into a desire that complicates their lives until they give in to it. Once they acknowledge   their need for one another they make progress toward happiness. Then an accusation of betrayal drives the couple apart until it is resolved in dramatic fashion, bringing them together in a satisfying conclusion.

MEDICINE MAN’S AFFAIR is a story that shows that prejudices can poison a relationship on either side, but love can bring down these barriers and unite people of diverse backgrounds. Jennifer Gardiner meets Lee Youngson, a professional athlete who wants to be a doctor but believes his dream is impossible. Jennifer helps him to realize his ambitions and see that he doesn’t have to compromise his principles in order to love the woman he truly wants.

MARRIAGE IN NAME ONLY is a reunion story disguised as a revenge tale. After rich girl meets poor boy and then they are separated, Heath Bodine tells himself he is determined to punish his childhood sweetheart. But he is really still in love with the girl he thinks abandoned him years earlier. It is an intense, highly emotional story of youthful passion which translates into an enduring attachment once issues of honestly and loyalty are addressed. When Heath finally learns to trust Jessica, a mature and enduring is created between the two lovers.

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Kindle Daily Deals For Friday, Apr. 19 – New Bestsellers All Priced at $2.99 or Less! plus Clash by Night (A World War II Romantic Drama) by Doreen Owens Malek

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

4.6 stars – 9 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
United by love,
divided by war
As the German war machine claims Europe, tanks roll into the peaceful French village of Fains Les Sources, and the brave French Resistance fighters wage their desperate struggle for freedom. But for three proud, passionate women, the same fierce conflict that rages throughout France burns in their own hearts…and will forever change their lives.From the sun-drenched beauty of the French countryside to the bloody beaches of Normandy, from the dark and terrible days of the Occupation to the glory of liberation, this is the magnificent story of the men and women, lovers and enemies, whose passionate dreams and undying patriotism shape the destiny of their land and their lives.

From The Author
I grew up fascinated by World War II because it was the seminal experience of the previous generation’s lives and all their hopes and convictions were influenced by it. My father was a buff. Born in 1924, he was seventeen at the time of Pearl Harbor and joined the navy two years later. Lacking a son, he took me to World War II movies and gave me books about Guadalcanal and the Normandy invasion to read. I saw The Longest Day in 1963 with him for MY birthday (clever guy) and read Up Periscope because it was sitting in my rec room. It proved to be just as interesting as Maureen Daly’s Seventeenth Summer, which I was also devouring at the time. I became a buff too. When the opportunity presented itself for me to combine my two great loves, the war culture of the nineteen forties and fictional romance, I pursued it and wrote this book.
The forties had always had a nostalgic appeal for me. I like the music and the clothes and the corny dialogue of that wartime decade, partly because it was the era of my parents’ youth and partly because the issues at risk were big and important and changed the world.  I always felt deeply the rightness of the cause and the terrible injustices the Allies had to overcome to prevent civilization from falling into the ungentle hands of their enemies. Then when I married a man whose mother was one of the many war brides who emigrated to this country as a result of that conflict, my interest in her personal story was piqued. She had lived in the village of Fains les Sources, the French hamlet described in Clash By Night, which was occupied by the Germans for more than four years. She witnessed that takeover by a foreign power first hand and I used her experiences there as the background for my story of three relationships forged by the war. The forbidding German commander who falls for an abused French refugee, his aide who loves a nurse working covertly for the underground, and an American marine who parachutes into the woods of the Meuse to organize a Resistance group and can’t forget the war widow who helps him-all of these people are altered forever in the story. They meet because of larger than life circumstances and form bonds that prove stronger than the global conflagration which tries to tear them apart. Their emotions are timeless and their love crosses national boundaries as the world erupts around them. I enjoyed researching and writing this book and I hope you will enjoy reading it just as much.                                                   Doreen Owens Malek

Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.

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After a 12 Year Absence, Bestselling Author, Doreen Owens Malek, Returns to Publishing With A Powerful & Satisfying Love Story – Amanda’s Blue Marine is Just $2.51 on Kindle – Don’t Miss The Return of This Beloved Author

Amanda’s Blue Marine

by Doreen Owens Malek

4.1 stars – 24 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

AMANDA’S BLUE MARINE marks the return of Doreen Owens Malek to publishing after a 12 year absence. It is with great pleasure that Doreen presents her new, never before published contemporary romance. AMANDA’S BLUE MARINE.
When Amanda Redfield, an assistant district attorney from a wealthy and prominent Philadelphia family, is being harassed by a mysterious stalker, she meets Brendan Kelly, the police detective assigned to her case. Smart and capable but deeply troubled, Kelly protects Amanda while he works to find her tormentor, but his disturbing presence and rogue behavior disrupt Amanda’s settled life. She is helplessly drawn to the sexy and charming but barely controlled cop, and as their passion grows she must choose between her prosperous and settled past and an uncertain future with a man whose own life is spiraling out of control. How she draws on her wits and resources to eventually rescue Kelly emotionally in the same way that he rescues her physically makes for a powerful and satisfying love story.

ARC Review of Amanda’s Blue Marine by Doreen Owens Malek

Rating: Entrée

Even though Amanda Redfield had come from a privileged background, her life wasn’t all about designer shoes and charity luncheons. Amanda was a well respected attorney with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office. She also had a stalker who was sending her nasty notes of the incredibly scary and threatening variety. Rookie Detective Brendan Kelly was about as far from Amanda’s social circles as a person could get and still remain on the planet. An ex-Marine who had put in some hard time in the Iraqi war and the son of an alcoholic cop who had been kicked off the force, Kelly was a hard drinking, womanizing, time bomb. As the case, circumstances, and chemistry draw the pair closer together, the inevitable happens and feelings develop. But there are huge hurdles to clear before this couple can have even the slightest chance at happiness.

I was absolutely over the moon when I found out one of my favorite authors was returning to the publishing world after a decade of silence. And when I was offered the opportunity to review her newest work, well if that didn’t butter my biscuit, nothing would. Doreen Owens Malek writes about people who have real issues and real flaws. There are no cookie cutter characters or otherwordly scenarios to move the story along. She relies on her natural talent to give the reader a entertaining, compelling story that will pull them into her books by their heartstrings. I also love the fact that her books use a realistic time frame. This book takes place over years, and you can see the evolution of the characters. When I first encountered Amanda, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t her biggest fan. She was sheltered, and even though she was in a tough profession, she lacked the independence I like in my heroines. By the end of this book, I was her biggest fan. When she decided to take control of her life and her future, she did it with a vengeance.

Now, it’s no secret that I am a huge fan of the bad boy, damaged hero. But realistically they come with a lot of baggage that is not going to disappear overnight. And while I believe love can conquer most problems, I still think it requires a proactive approach and a lot of work to keep it going. Ms. Malek takes the reader through these stages. She knows that it is highly unlikely that the bad habits of a lifetime are just going to magically fade away without some big bumps in the road and a few hurt feelings. Her villains likewise have both good and bad, some more than others. So it’s not always easy to come down quite so hard on the bad guys. It’s all in the intent. Amanda’s mother and her BFF had varying shades of grey. This offering is as top of the line as it gets. Welcome back, Doreen

5 Star Amazon Review

“I enjoyed Amanda’s Blue Marine very much. It kept me interested thru the whole book. It had intrigue and lots of romance. Brendan Kelly was the police detective that helped Amanda when she was being stalked and the attaction between the two was something neither one of them could deny, even though Amanda was engaged to someone else. She stood by him when he was in trouble and was in jail and later helped him get help for his post traumatic stress from his time in Iraq.”

About The Author

I am Doreen Owens Malek, author of over forty books and lifelong fan of romantic fiction. I live in PA with my husband and college student daughter, a mini dachshund and a sun conyer parrot. I would like to tell you a little about myself.

 I came to writing by a circuitous route, starting out as an avid reader of JANE EYRE and WUTHERING HEIGHTS and GONE WITH THE WIND and REBECCA and any other similarly themed books I could find. I first worked as a teacher and then graduated from law school when I desired a more lucrative and independent career. I had always been discouraged from pursuing a writing career by the volatile nature of the business and the relatively poor chance for success. But the realization that I needed a focus for the future encouraged me to do what I had always wanted to do. I sold my fledgling novel to the first editor who read it, and I have been writing ever since. I have written all types of books for all types of people, but my favorite literary pursuit is and always has been romance. Nothing is as rewarding as hearing from my readers, so please use my website to communicate your thoughts and criticisms, as I am always eager to learn from you.
 A romance novel rarely disappoints me: in an uncertain world filled with tragedy and sadness, reading about an appealing woman finding a strong man to love her and share her life is the perfect escape. I like to read and write stories in which the main characters overcome obstacles to get together, and then stay together because their mutual devotion cannot be denied no matter what else is happening around them. They always HELP each other and reinforce the quaint but enduring notion that love conquers all – at least in the fictional universe of my imagination. So pull up a chair and take down a book- or pick up a Kindle- and join me in a world where the heroes are tough and headstrong but never boorish and the heroines are feminine and sympathetic but never helpless.
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