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Collins Stewart Hosts Your Humble Reporter in Conference Call on The Kindle Revolution: Recent Trends in the eBooks Market

By Stephen Windwalker
Originally posted February 7, 2010 at Kindle Nation Daily – © Kindle Nation Daily 2010

Tomorrow morning, at 11:30 am EST Monday February 8, I have been invited by the independent financial advisory group Collins Stewart to be its guest speaker on a conference call to discuss Recent Trends in the eBooks Market, and interested citizens of Kindle Nation are invited to listen in along with a wide array of institutional investors, business news media, and company representatives. Here’s a link to the Collins Stewart news feed on the conference call.

Here are the topics that have been suggested to me by Collins Stewart senior analyst Sandeep Aggarwal, who will host the call:

  • 1. How big can be the eBook market in the next 2-3 years i.e. can eBook achieve 25% penetration in next 3 years?  
  • 2. What are some examples of buyers’ behavior for eBooks that are encouraging and/or unique?  
  • 3. Are publishers excited or threatened by the traction of eBooks?  
  • 4. Which eBook readers are likely to win? Is iPad a compelling threat to Kindle?  
  • 5. Which eBook publishing platforms are likely to win and why?  
  • 6. How do the economics for publishers’ vary on Kindle vs. traditional book sales at Amazon.com?  
  • 7. Where do you think the economics for publishers are heading in next couple of years?

I’ll also be sharing some fascinating early returns from the Winter 2010 Kindle Nation Citizen Survey, which has had over 1,000 respondents since it went live at 1:30 pm yesterday.

If you would like to listen in, just dial in a moment or two before the call, which is supposed to run at most from 11:30 am EST to 12:30 pm EST:

Toll-Free: 800-446-1671
International Access: 847-413-3362
Confirmation Number 26349150

There will also be a Replay available for the next two months, and I will share that number here later if I make it through the call without excessive stuttering or other embarrassment.

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