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KND Quality 99-Centers: Science

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Fields of Color: The theory that escaped Einstein

by Rodney A. Brooks
4.4 stars - 54 reviews
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A presentation of Quantum Field Theory written for the lay reader, without equations. The neglect of this theory - the only theory of physics that makes sense and that resolves the paradoxes of Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics - while expecting the public to accept the paradoxes, is an intellectual tragedy.

“So many books, so little time!” That’s what the Dutch Renaissance theologian Erasmus (1466-1536) was fond of saying whenever he tried to decide what to download next on his Kindle. But he didn’t have Kindle Nation to help him find batch after new batch of quality 99-cent reads from terrific authors! Each of the following 99-cent books, categorized as Science, has received at least 4 Amazon reader reviews with an average rating of 4 stars or better.

We’ve got a great selection of highly rated Science 99-centers to share with you today….

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An inspiring and heart-warming short story of devotion and bravery.A thoroughbred horse, Warrior, is passed through various owners before he is shipped to the thick of the action on the Western Front to serve as his current master’s mount for all four years of the First World War.Warrior and...
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The seven lectures presented here were delivered in New York for the purpose of presenting the testimony of science as to the relation of matter and of consciousness; to enable the hearers to observe the identical manifestation of these relations and of certain basic laws in successively higher...
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The Consciousness of the Atom
Price: $0.99
By: Alice A. Bailey
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Charles Webster Leadbeater was a former Anglican minister and a clairvoyant who joined the Theosophical Society. He became Presiding Catholic Bishop of the Society. He was a prolific writer of many occult and paranormal books and pamphlets, and one of the most famous is "Man, Visible and...
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Man, Visible and Invisible
Price: $0.97
By: Charles Webster Leadbeater
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*Includes pictures of important people, places, and events.*Comprehensively describes the history of the Apollo program, including explaining the design and planning that went into it. *Includes quotes from the astronauts about the mission.*Includes footnotes and a Table of Contents."10, 9...
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Apollo 11: The History and Legacy of the First Moon Landing
Price: $0.99
By: Charles River Editors
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A galaxy-conquering alien fleet …… is on Earth’s doorstep.A formidable alien armada stands on the brink of vanquishing the cosmos, their gaze set firmly on every inhabited world. The last line of defense? An eclectic crew of improbable champions: a maverick starfighter pilot, a daredevil...
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That UFOs – unidentified flying objects – exist has been scorned as vehemently as it has been argued.Timothy Good logically, calmly and rigorously examines the evidence. In this sensational book he presents a case which proves beyond reasonable doubt that UFOs are not the figments of crazed...
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Above Top Secret
Price: $0.99
By: Timothy Good
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The world we live in is vast and full of mysteries, and amongst the unexplained are the existence of UFOs and aliens! Let's find out in this all-new trivia book and fun facts about extraterrestrial encounters!Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited!Whether you believe in the possibility of visitations...
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'Civil Disobedience' argues that citizens should not permit their government to overrule their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing their acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the...
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On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (An American Litary Classic)
Price: $0.82
By: Henry David Thoreau
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Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering? is a collection of essays by utilitarian philosopher David Pearce. The essays deal with a variety of subjects, including the abolition of suffering through biotechnology, negative utilitarianism, our obligations toward non-human animals, the nature of...
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Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?
Price: $0.99
By: David Pearce
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"The Consciousness of the Atom" was delivered as a series of weekly lectures in 1921 and 1922, and published later in 1922. Bailey, even at this point in her career, shows a mature grasp of esoteric issues, and deftly brings in scientific concepts such as radioactivity and the fourth dimension....
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The Consciousness of the Atom
Price: $0.97
By: Alice A. Bailey
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Henri Bergson was a French philosopher and Nobel Prize winner in Literature, whose third major work, "Creative Evolution", first published in 1907, provided an alternate explanation for Darwin's mechanism of evolution included in his theory of the same name. The book focuses on four key steps: that...
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Creative Evolution
Price: $0.99
By: Henri Bergson
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"Egyptian Myths and Mysteries" is a book made up of a series of lectures which Rudolf Steiner gave at Leipzig in September 1908."Egyptian Myths and Mysteries" contains 12 lectures in all, covering things like the stages of evolution, the mysteries of the planets, Atlantis, old initiation centres...
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Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
Price: $0.97
By: Rudolf Steiner
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The “happy meat” position does not challenge our large-scale mistreatment of non-human beings, but rather serves to support it. That is among the core claims of this essay, which argues that the rejection of the "happy meat" position is critical if we are to end the extreme horrors that humanity...
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Why "Happy Meat" Is Always Wrong
Price: $0.99
By: Magnus Vinding
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Prepare to be transported to a dystopian future filled with thought-provoking ideas and moral dilemmas in "2BR02B," a science fiction short story by Kurt Vonnegut. In this captivating narrative, Vonnegut explores the ethical implications of a world where immortality comes at a steep price.As you...
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2BR02B: science fiction short story by Kurt Vonnegut
Price: $0.26
By: Kurt Vonnegut
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Through touching and emotive anecdotes, internationally-acclaimed author and dog trainer Jan Fennell shares with us the successes, set-backs and secrets that will strike a chord with dog lovers everywhere.In an age of selfishness and misunderstanding, the virtues of duty, loyalty and sacrifice have...
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In this compelling exploration of life, Gregg Braden merges the modern discoveries of nature’s patterns (fractals) with the ancient view of a cyclic universe. The result is a powerful model of time—fractal time—and a realistic window into what we can expect for the mysterious year 2012 . ....
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Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age
Price: $0.99
By: Gregg Braden
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Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: Top Mediterranean Diet Recipes & Meal Plan To Eat Right & Drop Those Pounds Fast Now! ( 7 Bonus Tips For Mediterranean Cooking Success Included) recipe book will guide you to easy, quick, healthy, and delicious recipes for maintaining heart healthy living. The content...
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Global warming should not be controversial. It is not some new, untested theory. The science of global warming has been studied since 1856 and is well established. So why do some people claim that the science is not settled, or even totally deny it? The reason is that the way to combat global...
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There are many textbooks devoted to the theory behind Monte Carlo methods. More often than not, these are heavy on theory and light on example. Rarely do they include the examples in their entirety, mostly presenting the final results in summary form. The aim of this text is to be light on theory...
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First published in 1912, "The Broken Wings" is the exquisitely tender story of love that beats desperately against the taboos of Oriental tradition. With great sensitivity, Gibran describes his passion as a youth for Selma Karamy, the girl of Beirut who first unfolded to him the secrets of love....
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The Broken Wings
Price: $0.99
By: Kahlil Gibran
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A friend once told me that he couldn't remember the last time he had used calculus. How sad. I can't remember the last time I didn't use calculus. Mathematics isn't just esoteric busywork. It's the language of cause and effect–a description of why things work the way they do. Mathematics connects...
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Research in cosmology, ancient philosophy, quantum theory, and mathematics, shows that the universe may exist as a computer program driven by sets and series(s) of numbers; and, where the larger part of the universe (as a light hologram) is considered to be a large infinite space of possibility or...
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Mental Potentials Create Many Realities or Many Worlds
Price: $0.99
By: Kevin Luckerson
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Ouspensky’s five lectures which make up "The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution" were not originally intended to be published.Reading them as a book gives practically no measure of the scale of time and study needed to realise, even partially, the ideas which are expressed or why Ouspensky...
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The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution
Price: $0.99
By: P. D. Ouspensky
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Thermochemistry is the science of analyzing molecular reactions to determine if they are spontaneous, energy absorbing or releasing, and to predict the product mole ratios and rates. Chemical reactions, like most other processes, tend to follow the path of free energy minimization or entropy...
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Thermochemical Reactions: Numerical Solutions
Price: $0.99
By: D. James Benton
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This two-part essay argues that a vegan lifestyle is implied by core human values that we all share. The first part presents a simple argument for veganism based on an ethical principle we all hold valid, while the second part argues that veganism follows directly from a rejection of unjustifiable...
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The Simple Case for Going Vegan
Price: $0.99
By: Magnus Vinding
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Orthogonal functions are clever tools that unlock many mathematical puzzles. Once you've seen this done and understand how they work, you will find many more useful applications. This remarkable area of applied mathematics supports a wide range of technologies, ranging from CAT scans to satellite...
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Orthogonal Functions: The Many Uses of
Price: $0.99
By: D. James Benton
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Evaporative cooling is vital for life and industry. Benefiting from this essential process is as natural as sweating. It's the most efficient means of rejecting unwanted heat. The economy of evaporative cooling has made it the first choice of manufacturing and power production. There is rarely time...
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Evaporative Cooling: The Science of Beating the Heat
Price: $0.99
By: D. James Benton
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Are you prepared to evacuate your home in less than 60 seconds? Probably not, here's why...The problem is much bigger than only having a vague idea of where you'll rush off to because nearly everyone fails at step one: never properly assembling the gear and supplies they'll need to evacuate safely...
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YAN was much like other twelve-year-old boys in having a keen interest in Indians and in wild life, but he differed from most in this, that he never got over it. Indeed, as he grew older, he found a yet keener pleasure in storing up the little bits of woodcraft and Indian lore that pleased him as a...
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Embark on a historic expedition with Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's timeless account, "The Journals of Lewis and Clark: Charting a Path into the American Frontier." Follow their footsteps as they venture into uncharted territory, encountering breathtaking landscapes, diverse cultures, and...
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The Journals of Lewis and Clark: Charting a Path into the American Frontier
Price: $0.99
By: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark (1814)
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Considering that Frederick Winslow Taylor is often called 'The Father of Scientific Management' and that his approach is also often referred to, as Taylor's Principles, or Taylorism, the impact on the field of business strategy of Frederick Winslow Taylor's "The Principles of Scientific Management...
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The Principles of Scientific Management [with Biographical Introduction]
Price: $0.99
By: Frederick Winslow Taylor
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This is the last, and perhaps most important, work by the man Einstein called "the father of modern science." Confined to house arrest in the final years of his life after his heresy trial, Galileo Galilei composed his "Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences" in 1638 as a sort of magnum opus to a...
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Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
Price: $0.99
By: Galileo Galilei
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World-renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein was interested in explaining the theory of Relativity to people who were not especially well-versed in higher mathematic concepts and theoretical physics. His solution to this was to write the ground-breaking work, "Relativity: The Special and...
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Relativity: The Special and General Theory
Price: $0.99
By: Albert Einstein
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In his first book, "The Mountains of California", John Muir, famed naturalist, recounts his travels to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Yosemite Valley. A captivating and vivid portrait of the raw beauty of nature, "The Mountains of California" compels the reader to see that which Muir describes for...
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"My Inventions and Other Writings" is a candid and illuminating autobiography of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), one of the most important technological innovators of the modern industrial age. Famous for the radio, robotics, and wireless energy, Tesla quickly gained international notoriety for his...
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My Inventions and Other Writings
Price: $0.99
By: Nikola Tesla
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"How We Think" is John Dewey's exposition on the nature of human thinking. Illustrated through numerous everyday examples, Dewey details the varying processes by which one might engage in the critical thinking process. With the aim of making students better at the methods of thought and thus better...
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How We Think
Price: $0.99
By: John Dewey
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Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (Illustrated) by Edwin Abbott Abbott is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that takes readers on a mind-bending journey through the world of geometric shapes and dimensions. With its imaginative storytelling and social commentary, the book challenges...
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THE OFFICIAL BOOK OF THE FIRST EARTH DAY. Speaking for the Earth is written by United States Senate Candidate, Howard Hughes aide, and world-renowned environmentalist John Meier. It was written by Meier in 1970 for the first Earth Day. In 1970 Meier was at the forefront of the environmental...
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Speaking for the Earth
Price: $0.99
By: John Meier
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A theosophist and believer of the Occult, Wlilliam Scott-Elliot gives us in "The Story of Atlantis", first published in 1896, a description of the history and structure of Atlantis, along with what he considers evidence of this.The Theosophists believed they were descendants of the Aryans, and that...
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The Story of Atlantis
Price: $0.99
By: William Scott-Elliot
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Do you have problems being in large crowds? Do you ever get tongue-tied when talking to new people? Do you have a hard time making meaningful connections? Then, this is the book for you! Social Anxiety: Easy Daily Strategies for Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness, Build Successful Relationships...
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Escaping captivity doesn’t make you freeThe door opens, and Alish steps out of the lab for the first time ever…Can she escape?Outside, there’s nothing, nothing but a small herd of cows, and stretches and stretches of parched red desert in all directions…She is still trapped.Then a...
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Aim: Book 1 of The Subjects Trilogy
Price: $0.99
By: P.R. Castle
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Our world is under serious threat.Not from supervillains or alien invaders, but from monsters of our own making- climate change, environmental degradation, and the growing inequality between the haves and have-nots.The world certainly looks messed up, but it can be saved. Not by caped crusaders or...
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The Teen's Guide to Saving the World
Price: $0.99
By: Aaditya Sengupta Dhar
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The Walters family has just purchased the perfect home if only it weren't located in the small hick town of Harrington, Indiana, and if only it weren't haunted.David Walters is an atheist now, but his minister father taught him from a young age that Satan would one day deceive all mankind by...
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The Book of David: Chapter Two
Price: $0.99
By: Robert Kent
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Do you feel like your Algebra class is already over your head? Has it been a while since you've taken a math class but you want to get back in the game? Does your teacher draw points, lines, and curves on the graph so fast you don't even know where to start? I've been there, and trust me, it can be...
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How To Graph Points & Lines (Algebra Graphs 101 Book 1)
Price: $0.99
By: Drake Sims
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The stories presented here in this addendum are by a new author with a talent for detail and imagination. If you decided to fact check his work you will find that all the Ts are crossed, and the dots are in place. This is not really fan fiction in the true sense. This is an imagination that...
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Winner of the non-fiction category of the 2017 Kindle Book Awards! An entertaining and personal introduction to Einstein's universe. Starting with a walk through Bern in 1905 and ending with the recent discovery of gravitational waves from colliding black holes, this book exposes the theory of...
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A gentle wizard
Price: $0.99
By: Nils Andersson
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How to predict the weather with a cup of coffee and other essential techniques for surviving the 9-5A smart, spoof survival guide – to the 9-5. Ray Mears’ and Bruce Parry’s advice is all very well if you’re stuck up the Amazon without a paddle, but what about finding your way to a seat on a...
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First published in 1620, "The New Organon" (also defined as the New Tool) is a philosophical work by Francis Bacon that aims to offer a new method of investigating nature, called the Interpretation of Nature. A better use of the mind and the understanding is needed to investigate nature. Bacon...
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The New Organon
Price: $0.99
By: Francis Bacon
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This book is a message from Source to assist in the evolutionary times we are in. The authors riveting accounts of other wordly experiences will have you binging this 111 page message of oneness. Cover by artist Ela Bankey....
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This collection of the first series of essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson collects some of the classic thoughts of this important American and leader of the Transcendentalist movement. Contained in this volume are the following essays: History, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Spiritual Laws, Love...
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Essays: First Series [with Biographical Introduction]
Price: $0.99
By: Ralph Waldo Emerson
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