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With the Addition of Kindle Prime-Eligible Books for Free Reading, Kindle Nation Daily’s Magical Free and Bargain Book Search Tool Just Got Better!

Thanks to some around-the-clock work by our crack web-development and operations team, we are very excited to roll out a major expansion of Kindle Nation Daily’s magical free and bargain book search tool!

Now, in addition to being able to use the tool to search and sort free books and quality (4 stars or better) 99-cent books by genre/category,  date added, reader review rating, and popularity (bestseller status), you can conduct the same kind of search to find books that appeal to you among Kindle Prime-eligible books, which allow Amazon Prime members to download up to one such title per month at no additional charge. (For more information about Amazon Prime and your Kindle, please visit this link.)

Here’s how to use these expanded book tools to find the books you want to read at prices you can afford … including free!

1. Go to the main Kindle Nation Daily website.

2. Find the BEST DEALS: KINDLES AND KINDLE BOOKS tab in the white-on-charcoal menu ribbon near the top left (at the bottom of the screen shot just below)..


3. Hover your cursor above the tab so that the pull-down menus appear.


4. Hover your cursor above individual selections to extend the pull-down menus and tap or click to visit the page of your choice.


5. Visit the page of your choice to browse, search, sort and select the titles or other items of your choice. Please note that while Amazon Prime members may use this tool to browse, search, sort and select Prime-eligible titles, you must use your Kindle to find the specific Prime-eligible title in the onboard Kindle Store to initiate a free download.

Happy reading!

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