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Jackont's psychological attention is precise and intelligent, never lapsing into pointless depths, and it doesn't impair the book's soft touch and easy flow - it only makes it more enjoyable.

The Last Of The Wise Lovers (A Suspense and Espionage Thriller)

by Amnon Jackont
4.0 stars - 49 reviews
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Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
Ever wonder what is the true nature of the people closest to you?

Under the shadow of what secret are they living and why are they ignoring the clear warning signs they're being sent? 

The clock is ticking. Time is running out. Things are not what they seem. Page after page you find yourself drawn deeper and deeper into this suspense and espionage thrilling adventure.

In his attempts to understand what was unfolding, Ronnie Levin - the adolescent son of an Israeli diplomat and his wife living in New York, gets caught up in a race against time, the deceitfulness of those around him and the doubts gnawing away at him.

Ronnie discovers much to his surprise that unfathomable events are taking place between his parents and around them. Circumstances become even stranger in light of his mother's evasive behavior and her disregard of a series of warnings regarding a fatal event that was soon to take place. 

"The Last of the Wise Lovers" is an espionage thriller that simply cannot be put down. It combines a fascinating and smooth-flowing story, with the story of a young man's journey into maturity and the loss of innocence.
One Reviewer Notes:
In this espionage thriller, Mr. Jackont's characters draw you in from the first page. He has created a compelling story through the eyes of Ronnie Levin, whose live is on the verge of huge changes. Originally written in 1992, this book is still very relevant today, especially against the backdrop of Israeli diplomatic issues. The exploration of the parent-child relationship also reminded me of Where'd You Go, Berndaette? - although written in a different way, this theme is an excellent one, especially when the child (who really is not a child any longer) is intelligent. I highly recommend this most excellent thriller.
About the Author
Amnon Jackont was born in Israel in 1948 and grew up and in Ramat Gan. He was born to a bourgeois family that immigrated to Israel after WWII from Belgium and received a European education which laidemphasize on good manners. Yet, he soon realized that a well behaved boy cannot survive among children whose parents had come from different countries and preferred to settle accounts by fists rather than politeness.Since he was robust and physically strong, he had no problem dealing with belligerent boys.Yet apprehensive least he should harm other kids, he learned how to practice self-control.
In 1966 he was drafted to the IDF and participated in operations which are still kept in the dark. He was first wounded when the truck he rode hit a mine; he luckily survived and woke up in the hospital with a broken back. Four years later he was wounded again, while in service in a hostile foreign country, where he was imprisoned for several months before being released. His military experiences continually provide him with materials for his books....
He has written eight novels, a collection of short stories, a financial-documentary book, and the biography of one of the heads of Mossad. All of his books became best sellers in Israel and some were translated into several languages including Chinese and Japanese. He is also the editor of some 200 books of various genres: from thrillers, to history and philosophy.
When asked which of his occupations he liked in particular, Jackont answers, "The combination between all of them..." Amnon Jackont was born in Israel in 1948 and grew up and in Ramat Gan. He was born to a bourgeois family that immigrated to Israel after WWII from Belgium and received a European education which laidemphasize on good manners. Yet, he soon realized that a well behaved boy cannot survive among children whose parents had come from different countries and preferred to settle accounts by fists rather than politeness.Since he was robust and physically strong, he had no problem dealing with belligerent boys.Yet apprehensive least he should harm other kids, he learned how to practice self-control. In 1966 he was drafted to the IDF and participated in operations which are still kept in the dark. He was first wounded when the truck he rode hit a mine; he luckily survived and woke up in the hospital with a broken back. Four years later he was wounded again, while in service in a hostile foreign country, where he was imprisoned for several months before being released. His military experiences continually provide him with materials for his books.... He has written eight novels, a collection of short stories, a financial-documentary book, and the biography of one of the heads of Mossad. All of his books became best sellers in Israel and some were translated into several languages including Chinese and Japanese. He is also the editor of some 200 books of various genres: from thrillers, to history and philosophy. When asked which of his occupations he liked in particular, Jackont answers, "The combination between all of them..."
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The Last Of The Wise Lovers (A Suspense and Espionage Thriller)

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4.7 stars – 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The day billionaire businessman Sullivan Chasen receives a phone call that his father is dying is the day his world became turned upside down. The problem is that his father has been dead for ten years. The bigger problem is that the person who called keeps calling, insisting that Sullivan’s father is going to die soon.

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4.3 stars – 7 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A dark fantasy filled with interracial romance, lust, betrayal and vengeance. What happens when everything you’ve worked for and sacrificed for is suddenly taken away from you? What happens when the greatest love you’ve ever known isn’t what it seems? What happens when your most loyal childhood friends and family pass away? What happens when one man takes a fateful journey between love and hate, light and darkness…Heaven and Hell?

*  *  *

Enormity (Part One)

by Nick Milligan

4.7 stars – 23 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Jack is the most famous rock star in the world… he’s just not from this planet. Before joining NASA’s space programme, Jack had dreams of a career as a professional musician. When a deep space mission goes awry, he crashes on an alien planet. Jack discovers that his new world is inhabited by a race of humans that have evolved in parallel to those on Earth. He picks up a guitar and performs the most wondrous rock songs of his home planet.

*  *  *

4.2 stars – 457 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When sixteen-year-old Jenny James goes missing, and the local police are unable to find her, the girl’s frantic mother hires private investigators Jake and Annie Lincoln to search for her daughter.

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The Sentinel

by Eden Winters

4.5 stars – 6 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Since the day he was dropped off at a Federation camp by parents who used him to gain political favor, cybernetic killing machine Soldier Fourteen existed only to carry out his orders. But when commanded to kill a baby girl, he defies his commander and deserts the Federation, seeking a place in the universe for himself and the defenseless innocent he’s promised to protect.

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4.8 stars – 10 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Welcome to Harrison Technical Institute, where aspiring mechanics are given a formal introduction to the world of automotive repair. It is a place peopled by a cast of unforgettable characters. The seventeen-year old car genius felled by the oldest and most powerful drug inflicted upon man. The stubborn Ecuadorian father who insists on hacking everything. The trash-talking white kid who has an amazing penchant for inserting his foot in his mouth.

*  *  *

Brood of Bones

by A.E. Marling

4.4 stars – 113 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Or check out the Audible.com version of Brood of Bones
in its Audible Audio Edition, Unabridged!
Here’s the set-up:
Cursed with endless drowsiness, Enchantress Hiresha sleeps more than she lives. Since she never has had a chance to raise a family, she sometimes feels like every woman is pregnant except for her.  This time, she is right. From virgin to grandmother, all the women in her city have conceived.

*  *  *

Sh*t My Boss Says

by Bianca Ku

5.0 stars – 3 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Shit MY Boss Says – is a collection of cartoons that shows the not so subtle side of bosses and what goes on in the office and beyond. Many people prefer to leave their work at work, but this book is one work you will want to bring home. Grab your copy now and enjoy, clean jokes and great illustrations; ideal for everyone.

*  *  *

4.8 stars – 132 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
This book is a guide, tracking the life of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, to discover God’s plan for us, and learn how to receive his power to accomplish that plan.

*  *  *

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