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It’s the weekend! Let’s celebrate with five free titles and more! All brought to you by today’s sponsor Rediscovering Love: An Intimacy Restoration and Growth Journey Guide by Roy C. Rawers

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Rediscovering Love: An Intimacy Restoration and Growth Journey Guide

by Roy C. Rawers
4.4 stars – 17 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Rediscovering Love is written as a guide for those people who refuse to accept the idea that the best days of their relationship are behind them and who have the courage and willingness to try and repair or strengthen their partner relationship. Learning why relationships deteriorate and helping the reader take a hard, interpersonal look at ways they may be sabotaging their relationships creates a pathway toward new levels of communication and tools for improving the quality of an existing or new relationship.

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Hot Scheming Mess (Madison Cruz Book 1)

by Lucy Carol
4.1 stars – 123 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Award-winning author Lucy Carol delivers a sparkling fun page-turner, launching the madcap series, Madison Cruz Mysteries. Secrets, spies, and sexy guys complicate things for Madison Cruz as she tries to connect with her FBI mother, yet hide evidence for her grandfather. Out of her league, and out of control, she won’t stop trying to unmask the treacherous villain who endangers her family. As the mystery heats up, so does her attraction to a couple of sexy guys who vie for her affections.

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Pure Healing: A Novel of the Pure Ones (Pure/ Dark Ones Book 1)

by Aja James
4.4 stars – 35 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Enter the world of Pure Ones, a race of immortal, supernaturally powerful beings who protect humankind, where sexual intercourse with anyone other than one’s Eternal Mate leads to a slow, painful death within thirty days. The Healer of the race, Rain, is the only exception to this rule. To harness and accumulate enough energy to heal severe wounds, especially as the war between her people and the vampire hordes accelerates, she must take a Consort once every ten years and draw strength from his blood and body. But as the war wears on, few Pure-males who are strong enough to serve as her Consort remain. Valerius, Protector of the race, is the strongest candidate.

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Oui Oui, Gigi! (Nuggies Book 4)

by Jeff Minich
4.7 stars – 11 reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
After getting lost in Paris, Chomper and Coco are spotted by the local dog catcher and suddenly find themselves on the run. Then they meet Gigi, a French Nuggie who offers to help them get home. Along the way they dress up in Parisian fashion, learn to speak French, and discover the sights around Paris. Will the Nuggies find their way home? Or will they stay lost in Paris? Find out in Nuggies Vol.4 ‘Oui Oui, Gigi!’

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Keys to the Spirit World: An Easy To Use Handbook for Contacting Your Spirit Guides

by Jennifer O’Neill
4.5 stars – 177 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Who are your Spirit Guides? This book does not only cover “who” your Spirit Guides are, but you will also learn “why” you have Spirit Guides. Keys to the Spirit World covers:What do Spirit Guides look like?How do Spirit Guides communicate?What is it like to receive communications from spirits or Spirit Guides?

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Love and Kisses from My Padded Cell

by Ellie Katz
4.3 stars – 20 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Destruction By One’s Own Hand

What is the difference between an addiction and a habit? Anyone with strong particular affinities might well wonder if these urges are a source of danger. Addicts are willing to do anything to scratch their psychic itch. Those around them gape in horror at the ease with which addicts compromise their sanity, good name and fortune.

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