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Murder at the Flood: a gripping crime mystery with a sinister twist (Detective Inspector Skelgill Investigates Book 9)

by Bruce Beckham
4.1 stars – 74 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:


WHEN LATTER-DAY LOTHARIO and expert kayaker Roger Alcock disappears on the night of the ‘Great Cockermouth Flood’, his attractive wife Maeve takes 24 hours longer than might reasonably be expected to notify the authorities. But when Roger’s corpse washes up on the Solway coast, a post mortem suggests his death could legitimately be classified as misadventure.

DI Skelgill, however – engaged as a rescuer to the inundated Cumbrian town – detects a sinister undercurrent that pervades the tightly knit community in which Roger Alcock moved. As the floodwater recedes, reasons surface why Roger’s erstwhile associates might celebrate his demise.

Could this be a murder – of the kind that suits the innocent as well as the guilty to hold their peace? Could spurned lovers and fleeced creditors and others who might benefit be acting in silent concert? Jealousy, revenge, greed… these are sentiments that trouble Skelgill – for he realises that unless he can divine a motive, he cannot begin to ascribe a crime.

To penetrate the mystery he enlists a female duo, a visiting TV reporter, and the sister-in-law of the late Roger Alcock. But are these alluring ladies simply playing him for their own devices? While DS Jones is temporarily absent, Skelgill becomes doubly conflicted.

Barely treading water in the case, he flounders in the perpetrator’s wake. Can his famous ‘sixth sense’ come to his rescue in time – or will a second murder erase forever all trace of the killer?

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The Hidden Genes of Professor K: A medical mystery thriller (Jack Rogan Mysteries Book 3)

by Gabriel Farago
4.6 stars – 76 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A medical breakthrough. A greedy pharmaceutical magnate. A brutal double-murder. One tangled web of lies.

World-renowned scientist, Professor K is close to a ground-breaking discovery. He’s also dying. With his last breath, he anoints Dr Alexandra Delacroix his successor and pleads with her to carry on his work.

But powerful forces will stop at nothing to possess the research, unwittingly plunging Delacroix into a treacherous world of unbridled ambition and greed.

Desperate and alone, she turns to celebrated author and journalist, Jack Rogan.

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Temptation (The Hunted Series Book 1)

by Ivy Smoak
4.4 stars – 751 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

From Amazon bestselling author Ivy Smoak comes a steamy forbidden romance.

When Penny Taylor runs into a handsome stranger in a coffee shop, she believes her luck has finally changed. After having her confidence unwound by her ex, she falls hard for a true gentleman. But once she realizes that her crush is her communications professor, her world is turned upside down.

Haunted by dreams of the alluring Professor Hunter, Penny can’t seem to dismiss her fantasies and the temptation to have him grows deeper. Will the excitement, danger, and mystery surrounding Professor Hunter bring her to her knees?

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Sweet Love Box Set

by M. L. Ray
3.7 stars – 11 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A love story collection you will not forget.

18 gripping novels of romance, action, suspense, plot twists.

Do you love stories that touch your heart? Then you will love all 18 romance novels in this box set. All novels are readers’ favorites with over 500 rave reviews.. This collection is put together for a short time only for your reading pleasure.

Almost half a million words of touching and tender romance with multiple Happily-Ever-Afters.

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Home To You: The Complete Series Box Set

by Morris Fenris
4.8 stars – 18 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Home To You Christian Romance Series written by author Morris Fenris is here, all in one complete set! Once you start reading, you’ll find it hard to put down any of these books!

The Home To You series is packed full of Romance, Suspense, and combines this to bring you an Inspirational love story sure to get your pulse racing! The fantastic thing about Home To You Series is you’ll be able to jump straight from one book to the next, satisfy those romance cravings.

You’ll find everything you’ve been searching for in these second chances clean romance novels where love abounds, and good friends await!

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Of Sea and Stone (Secrets of Itlantis Book 1)

by Kate Avery Ellison
4.3 stars – 111 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Romance. Adventure. Cities under the sea. Perfect for readers who like determined, clever heroines, fantastic fantasy worlds, and shocking twists.

Aemi lives in a village carved from stones and surrounded by sea. She wins spear-throwing competitions in disguise and earns slaps from her spoiled mistress by talking back. She hates being a slave. She survives by remembering her mother’s tales of home, a paradise called Perilous.

Aemi intends to find it.

But then, black ships rise from the sea in the night. Aemi is captured and taken to Itlantis, an underwater world of cities of glass, floating gardens, and strange and wonderful technology.

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