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Free Books Alert! Four new Kindle freebies you’ll love!

Today’s Free Book Sponsor:

Murder Mystery Weekend (Detective Inspector Skelgill Investigates Book 11)

by Bruce Beckham
4.6 stars – 47 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

WHEN BEAUTIFUL YOUNG SOCIALITE Scarlett Liddell apparently commits suicide during a ‘Murder Mystery Weekend’, extravagantly staged at a Lakeland castle, the coroner calls in DI Skelgill to tie up the loose ends.

Post mortem results, however, cast doubt upon the provisional verdict – and circumstantial evidence begins to point to one obvious suspect – the woman’s multi-millionaire husband, Will Liddell.

And when Will Liddell is accused of a separate offence, it seems the noose is tightening around his neck – but as Skelgill delves beneath the surface of the wealthy couple’s exclusive circle, increasingly he realises there may be complex motives afoot.

In this psychological drama Skelgill cannot so easily rely upon his roughhewn intuition. To expose the truth he must penetrate an echelon of society beyond his comfort zone, and a tangle that might almost be the plot for a murder mystery weekend itself.

Check out our Free Book Search Tool for a boatload of free books or check here for the best deals today on Kindle!




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Vestige: Rise of The Pureblood (The Vestige Saga Book 1)

by Antonio Roberts
4.8 stars – 16 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Fangs, scales and a tail never looked good on anyone.
Another home gone. Another parent dead. And now Sinopa’s on the run for her life and must prove her innocence alone in a strange place.

But appearances are deceiving, and the police are the least of her worries. Because with every step she takes, someone else is watching. Something unnatural is after her…maybe even lurking beneath her skin.

And the deeper Sinopa investigates, the higher the stakes rise. More sorcerers disappear. Tensions escalate, and with every day, her humanity crumbles.

As an ancient evil resurfaces, how much will she risk saving those she loves?

Vestige: Rise of the pureblood is a young adult fantasy novel. If you like fast-paced page-turners with a hint of horror and romance then you will love this book.

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N: High Places (N Book 5)

by Joyce Swann
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Rumors of a group of Patriots that has infiltrated the highest levels of Mandrake’s corrupt government have been a source of hope for millions of citizens trapped in the nightmare of New America. Yet, years of steadily worsening conditions and the loss of the final remnants of freedom have convinced even Petra Bordeaux that the stories are merely urban legends contrived by a people desperate to be free. When Petra finally determines that the only way she can restore her country is to sacrifice herself by praying on her knees in front of the New America building, she comes face to face with the Commander of the Lone Star Militia and discovers the shocking truth. Now Petra and Rahm join the freedom fighters in High Places as they work to overthow Mandrake’s power and restore the Constitution.

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