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A Guide to Eating Well and Saving Money By Wasting Less Food: Waste-Free Kitchen Handbook by Dana Gunders

Family eBook of The Day

Waste-Free Kitchen Handbook: A Guide to Eating Well and Saving Money By Wasting Less Food

by Dana Gunders
4.5 stars – 108 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Despite a growing awareness of food waste, many well-intentioned home cooks lack the tools to change their habits. This handbook—packed with engaging checklists, simple recipes, practical strategies, and educational infographics—is the ultimate tool for reducing food waste. From a scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council come these everyday techniques that call for minimal adjustments of habit, from shopping, portioning, and using a refrigerator properly to simple preservation methods including freezing, pickling, and cellaring. At once a good read and a go-to reference, this handy guide is chock-full of helpful facts and tips, including 20 “use-it-up” recipes and a substantial directory of common foods.

Today’s Family Kindle Deal is sponsored by this week’s Family eBook of The Week:

Songs of the Deliverer IV: Resurrection of Freedom

by Elvo Bucci
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Vanquished by tyranny, their fight for freedom rages. Amidst the struggle, proof of their stolen faith is discovered. And a nation rises.

The “Songs of the Deliverer” novels tell the story of a man sent to fill the void left by the death of the baby in the manger. Two centuries after the baby Jesus was deprived of his destiny as the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy, Emmanuel comes to bring hope to the hopeless and to reveal the path to new life. He reveals himself to be the Christ, the one sent from above, and religious congregations form to worship him and follow his path. But a ruthless King threatened by the people’s dedication to the new Savior, decrees that the veneration of Emmanuel cease and all relics of him be destroyed. It’s as if Christ never was.

Now, in Resurrection of Freedom the fourth book in the series, a battle for freedom is waged on the streets of the country. In the midst of this revolution, young grade school students are thrust into the eye of the storm and come face to face with the tyrannical ruler who deprives them of their liberties.  Ensnared in extraordinary circumstances not of their making, these students stake their futures in the revolution sweeping the country. Trapped and on the verge of defeat, an unlikely hero emerges to lead the way out. His trading chip – an item of the forsaken Christ that could change everything. An offer is made to the despot who agrees to a deal: reveal the proof of the vanquished savior or the students will be incarcerated for the rest of their lives. With time running out, the ransom is paid. Will the promise be kept?

Resurrection of Freedom is the closing installment of the “Songs of the Deliverer” Christian fiction series that reimagines the story of Christ in modern day. A Modern Day Story of Christ commences the series with the telling of how one man can save the world. Faith Wins reveals the spiritual devotion of those who went forth to make the truth of Christ known to people everywhere. Serving as a prequel, Glory Born is the memoir of an old man who befriends an orphan girl. Their unlikely alliance saves the baby who will fulfill the 7:14 prophecy written in scripture: a young woman shall bear a child who will be named Emmanuel – God is with us. Resurrection of Freedom is the culmination of the series and results in the birth of a new nation conceived by God and founded on the principles of liberty and equality for all.

Through the ordeals of everyday people, Resurrection of Freedom shows that faith is ours to cherish as long as freedom prevails. Inspired by the example of the Teacher who shows that the greatest love is to give one’s life for a friend, the most important lesson of all is taught: blC. Upon this cornerstone of Christian goodness, a great America is born.

“Songs of the Deliverer are we. Divine miracles walking in harmony with Christ on the way to forever. We are the manifestations of God, the Author of life, and we are the outpourings of His holy love. God’s truth abides in us, always in us, only in us.” from Resurrection of Freedom

“Songs of the Deliverer” by Elvo Fortunato Bucci is a beautiful novel. There is no other word to describe the potency and the effortless way it was written. The textual complicity with the Bible is amazing, plus the multi-level text gives the perfect spark to an already powerful story.” from Rabia Tanveer, Readers Favorite

Written with teens and young adults in mind, “Songs of the Deliverer” can be enjoyed by readers of all ages who want to know Christ more.

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