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Heat Level: Scorching hot! Don’t say you weren’t warned… Winter’s Warrior (The Wicked Winters Book 13) by Scarlett Scott

Winter’s Warrior (The Wicked Winters Book 13)

by Scarlett Scott
4.6 stars – 447 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Gavin Winter has earned his reputation as one of the best prizefighters in England the hard way: using his fists and sheer determination. With the biggest bout of his career approaching, Gavin will do anything to win.

Until he’s attacked and wakes with no memory of who he is.

When Caro Sutton finds a bleeding man outside her family’s gaming hell, she has no idea the felled giant is the bareknuckle champion. She nurses him back to health, charmed by the handsome gentleman who has no recollection of what happened to him or what his name is.

After she discovers his true identity, Caro is faced with a difficult choice. Will deceit, danger, and warring families prove too much to overcome? Or will their love be strong enough to unite the Winters and the Suttons?

Heat Level: Scorching hot! Don’t say you weren’t warned…

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