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Adventure, tragedy, and romance in the early days of Yellowstone…. Burning Ground by D.A. Galloway. Does time heal all wounds? Or do some last forever?

Burning Ground: Adventure, tragedy, and romance in the early days of Yellowstone (Frontier Time Traveler series Book 1)

by D.A. Galloway
4.6 stars – 81 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

“I thoroughly enjoyed the story! So many things described in Yellowstone ring true.” ~ Kim Allen Scott, author of Yellowstone Denied

“One of the best novels set in Yellowstone I have read!” ~ Tamsen Emerson Hert, University of Wyoming Libraries & Yellowstone Historian

“I felt as if I were there with the protagonist Graham…an excellent novel.” ~ Brian R. Smith, author of Samworth Books

Pennsylvania, 1971: Graham Davidson is a young man with survivor’s guilt after the death of three siblings.

Estranged from his father and seeking a direction in his life, Graham learns about vision quests from a Crow Indian. He secures seasonal employment in Yellowstone National Park and embarks on a spiritual journey.

Wyoming Territory, 1871: Under a full moon at a sacred thermal area, Graham finds himself in Yellowstone a century earlier – one year before it was established as a national park. He joins the Hayden Expedition which was commissioned to explore the region.

Although a military escort provides protection for the explorers, the cavalry’s notorious lieutenant threatens Graham. His perilous journey through the future park is marred by a horrific tragedy in a geyser basin, a grizzly bear attack, and an encounter with hostile Blackfeet Indians.

Graham falls in love with Makawee, a beautiful Crow woman who serves as a guide. As the expedition nears its conclusion, Graham is faced with an agonizing decision.

Does he stay in the previous century with the woman he loves or travel back to the future?

If you enjoyed the movie Dances with Wolves, appreciate stories of frontiersman, Native Americans, and explorers in the American West, or like the historical time travel adventure of Outlander then you’ll love Burning Ground!

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