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Free Books! Four Kindle freebies to choose from!

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Root and Branch

by Preston Fleming
4.4 stars – 145 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

ROOT AND BRANCH is a realistic thriller set in a near-future America where an Islamist-inspired intifada triggers emergency security measures that go terribly wrong.

Roger Zorn, owner of a French private security company, is delighted at having won a lucrative contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as part of the government’s new program of emergency security measures. The measures are launched when the U.S. military response to sneak attacks by Iran and Pakistan on America’s electrical grid provokes a wave of Jihadist-inspired violence across the U.S.A.

Zorn’s work for DHS requires him to apply his company’s Triage risk assessment technology to evaluate terrorist suspects captured in the U.S. and sort out the jihadists from nonviolent Muslim residents. But when Zorn’s inquiries lead him to discover that DHS and its lead contractor have been manipulating Triage scores to deport massive numbers of Muslims and is ‘disappearing’ the most violent ones, Zorn faces a choice.

Will he say nothing and sell his company to DHS’s prime contractor before scandal breaks, or will Zorn step up to expose the abuses and risk bringing the full wrath of America’s national security establishment down on his head?

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Whispers Among the Prairie: A Western Historical Romance

by Michelle Roberts
4.1 stars – 223 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Journey back in time to the American West, where the ancient prairie lands are stained with blood from the battles being waged between the Indians and White Man.

The Indians wish to continue living in freedom as they always have, but the White Man see them as savages who need to be eradicated.

Chief Black Kettle, of the Southern Cheyenne Indians, and his adopted daughter, Morning Dove, try and keep the peace with the Whites, wishing to protect their people from the needless bloodshed sweeping across the land.

Enter Clinton McKay, a veteran of the Civil War, who re-enlists in the cavalry and crosses paths with Morning Dove. The pair soon develop feelings for one another but fight against them, knowing society wouldn’t allow them to be together, as they are on opposite sides of a war.

What will happen? Will they bow to an unjust society? Will their love flourish? Will Black Kettle keep his tribe safe? Join the adventure on the Great Plains in Whispers Among the Prairie.

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Chipper Makes Merry

by Kimber Fox Morgan
4.9 stars – 81 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
A “Mom’s Choice Award Winner”!Tip toe, tip toe, crackle, crunch!Chipper the Fox sneaks through the forest to spread cheer to his weary friends. Will his merry making be a success? Or will a smelly fish disaster and a log pile tumble ruin his plans?This rhyming, arctic adventure of Chipper’s love and determination will remind kids of all ages that ♥KINDNESS ALWAYS WINS! ♥

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Fostered Identity (The Twisted Deception Suspense Thriller Mystery Series Book 1)

by Maggie Thom
4.1 stars – 81 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Can they catch a thief by being a thief?

Her teenage sister has run away. It’s her fault. And on her watch. Desperate to find her sister and keep it quiet, Shyla soon gets pulled into something so much bigger… a heist. That of stealing her mom’s newly acquired million-dollar jewelry.

Damien is a good guy running from an awful past. When his brother ends up in the hospital, he is determined to stop the one man who is destroying their lives. He will break all his promises, even steal, if it will end their father’s control.

Shyla and Damien work together to plan a heist, catch a crook, and save her family. An impossible crime with only one possible outcome.

Emerald was the first of eight foster girls. The jewelry, she thought was fake and looked after as a teenager, are resurfacing. Thirty-five years later. And worth millions. Who is sending them out? And who wants them, at all costs?

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