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This Blood: (The Grace Allen Series Book 1)

by Alisha Basso
4.2 stars – 138 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When Grace Allen discovers a valuable ring in a gutter, she thinks it’s her lucky day, but, fate has other ideas. Now, Grace finds herself not only the keeper of tremendous power, but the only person in the world able to wield it. Seth McPhee is a monster on the hunt and his prey has never been more seductive. While Grace’s powers will ensure his leadership in the underworld, her beauty will make her captivity a pleasure. Rushing to the rescue is Lucian, a man who is more than he seems. Will he prove to be the white knight that he claims, or is he just another beautiful monster? Battling fantastic creatures as well as her raging libido, Grace’s resolve is tested. Will she succumb to a life of lavish entrapment, or escape for an uncertain freedom? Complete Her Adventure! THIS CURSE-The Grace Allen Series Book 2 THIS TIME – The Grace Allen Series Book 3 THIS NIGHT – The final installment of The Grace Allen Series

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The Lens of Therapy – Psychotherapy Through the Passion of Photography

by Anat Botzer
4.7 stars – 12 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

What is the hidden potential in the connection between photography and psychotherapy?

Phototherapy, a budding field in psychotherapy, combines two worlds together to create a therapeutic method based on a passion for the visual.

The Lens of Therapy provides a unique glimpse into this developing discipline, unraveling the similarities in the bond between photographer and object and that of therapist and patient.

In a brilliant analysis, Anat Botzer, a psychotherapist and artist, highlights the hidden layers in the relationship between a therapist and a patient, comparing them with the layers in the creative photography process – using examples of great historical creative personalities such as artists, directors, theoreticians, and even characters from Greek mythology.

All these combine to provide a comprehensive and enlightening introduction into the contemporary, magical field of phototherapy – therapy through photography.

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