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A sweet historical romance with an unexpected twist: The Wild Poppy by Julia Bell

The Wild Poppy

by Julia Bell
4.2 stars – 33 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

The Wild Poppy moves at a quick pace and there are a few little surprises too. Readers will find themselves stamping their feet in frustration at times, and then cheering the heroine on as she plows through the narrow-mindedness of late 1800s society. 5 Stars – Reviewed By Joanie Chevalier for Readers’ Favorite

Living during the time of Florence Nightingale and the first woman doctor, Melody Kinsman is determined to succeed as a newspaper reporter. But in 1864, a female reporter is unheard of and because of the prejudice of the male establishment Melody finds it difficult to persuade an editor to buy her articles. When she accompanies her friend, The Hon Celia Sinclair to London, she uses it as an opportunity to report the news and events in the capital. She finally confronts the attractive but enigmatic owner of the Cork Street Journal, Guy Wyngate who reluctantly gives her the opportunity to prove herself. But first she must face the difficult challenges thrown at her, since Guy wants to test her commitment to the newspaper business. This commitment will have consequences on her future happiness with the man she gave her heart to when a young girl and to another who is waiting to win her love.

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