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Three books for freebie Friday!

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Ursula: A Yosemite Bear (Ursula, a Yosemite Trilogy Book 1)

by Weeden Minor
5.0 stars – 5 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Ursula opens her eyes. She stares at the ceiling of the cave where she’s been hibernating with Mommy and Daddy since early December. She wants to get up and explore but Mommy’s arm is across her body. While Ursula wonders how to wiggle out without waking her parents, she notices a drop of water forming on the ceiling.

This is something new. Where is the water coming from? The drop gets bigger and bigger until it lets go and plops right on Daddy’s ear. His ear twitches and Ursula hears a faint tinkling from the plastic tag on his left ear.

She thinks back to the day in October when Daddy came home with the tag and how sad Mommy was. Ursula told Mommy that she wanted a tag too but that made Mommy even more upset.

As Ursula lies in bed, other memories from last year come back to her. She recalls how much fun she had with her friends swimming in the Merced River, playing with the butterflies in Yosemite’s meadows, and stealing food from the tourists.

As she thinks about her friends and wonders how they are, another drop of water forms. This time it drops right into Daddy’s ear. His ear twitches, the tag tinkles and Daddy groans and turns over. His turn squeezes Mommy who then shifts and moves her arm. Ursula is free! She slips out of the bed.

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Love at the Electric (A Port Bristol Novel Book 1)

by Jenn Hughes
Love at the Electric (A Port Bristol Novel Book 1)
4.2 stars – 11 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Walking wildfire Sam Owens gets Lillian hot in all the right ways, but there’s more to the software CEO than just a pretty face. And a great body. And . . . Oh, right. He’s the enemy, according to the contract she signed with his rival. So when they secretly meet up for movies at The Electric, Lillian can’t get too involved with Sam. She could lose her job. Her reputation. And her heart.

Sam is in love with his company, his image, his video games, and his ability to avoid commitment–at least until he levels up with attorney Lillian Walker. With her love of campy horror flicks and a body that makes him want to howl like a cartoon wolf, Sam’s found his leading lady. Too bad getting close to Lillian means tangling with her boss, a supervillain in the making.

In the nights leading up to Christmas, movies at The Electric mean more than just mutant toads and cannibal fruitcakes. Between shenanigans with old flames and an arch nemesis out to destroy any future they might have, Sam and Lillian learn the hard way that falling in love isn’t as easy as it looks on screen. So when the past gets between them and a perfect The End, there’s really only one solution–if werewolf Santas can bring them together, zombie ex-girlfriends can keep them together.

After all, anything’s possible at The Electric.

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Forever Hold Your Piece (The Becker Sisters Bridal Series Book 1)

by Elizabeth John
Forever Hold Your Piece (The Becker Sisters Bridal Series Book 1)
4.2 stars – 14 reviews
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Lily Becker believes the worst day of her life was when her fiancé stood her up at the altar. That is, until she stumbles upon his dead body in her family’s bridal shop. The shop becomes a crime scene, her business expansion plans tank, and brides demand back their deposits. Confused, scared, and certain that she is being watched, Lily struggles to keep her business and her life afloat.

PI Jake Ward, hired to find a priceless stolen painting, tracks the thief’s location to Lily’s small coastal town. As part of his cover, he leases the vacant bait and tackle shop next door to hers, unaware that she and her sisters had planned to rent the place.

The Chief of Police worries that someone close to Lily murdered her ex and he fears for her safety. The chief, a surrogate father to Lily, asks Jake to act as her bodyguard. Jake agrees and pretends to work on his business but never leaves her side. Although annoyed that Jake interfered with her family’s business plan, she admits that Jake makes her feel protected.

Jake and Lily can’t deny their attraction to one another. Lily decides to trust again as their relationship grows serious. The more time they spend together, the more they realize they are perfect for each other. Guilt eats at Jake’s conscience since he must lie about his true identity. Can he solve his case before he’s free to tell Lily the truth and she learns of his deception?

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