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No one knew dragons used to exist. They were creatures of myths and legends. Fairytales. Game of Serfs Complete Series Boxed Set by Michael Anderle

Game of Serfs Complete Series Boxed Set

by Michael Anderle
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Here’s the set-up:

No one knew dragons used to exist. They were creatures of myths and legends. Fairytales.

Right until a fire-spewing monster breaks open the world and changes everything.

As it turns out, the dragons aren’t friendly.

Join Benjamin Draig and Marty Ambrose as they discover what it’s like to live in a world they never expected to be in.

It was supposed to be a fun break while school was out for the semester.

A chance meeting between Benjamin Draig and Martin “Marty” Ambrose suggests the potential for a great friendship. Both were with different groups of friends just outside of Moab, both on their way to hike through the mountains.

But then things went horribly wrong.

It’s all Benjamin and Marty can do to stay alive when the earth opens beneath their feet, and they’re swallowed by the mountain.

As a fire-spewing monster emerges and spreads its wings to blot out the sky, Benjamin and Marty learn that the comfortable illusion of the world they knew is gone.

Everything has changed. Depending on the other for every second of their survival, they reach what looks like safety…

…then their entire world comes undone.

The world beneath the mountain is impossibly huge, but the sheer size isn’t the only thing that beggars belief.

As the titanic monster takes to the sky, leaving behind the lair that has lain buried for millennia, the two men know what they have to do.

They’ve got to brave the dangers of the dragon’s lair and hope there’s something to defeat the monster razing the country in fire and flames.

Otherwise, this new world is going to be a place where becoming a dragon’s dinner is the better option.

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