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Friday Freebies! Five Free Kindle titles ready for download! Sponsored by Robert Lane’s entertaining mystery Cooler Than Blood

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Cooler Than Blood

by Robert Lane

Cooler Than Blood
3.8 stars – 14 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

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in its Audible Audio Edition, Unabridged!

Here’s the set-up:

Jenny Spencer is missing after a violent encounter on a beach. Her aunt, Susan Blake, asks wisecracking PI Jake Travis to intervene. Susan and Jake spent only one dinner together and both felt an instant attraction. Jake walked away. He was, and is, committed to Kathleen.
As Jake and his partner, Garrett Demarcus, close the circle on finding Jenny, they discover that Kathleen’s past ties to organized crime and Jenny’s life are strangely entwined. They fight a two-front battle to find Jenny and to protect Kathleen.
But by protecting Kathleen, will Jake become the type of man that she could never love? Does he have a choice?
Robert Lane’s second stand-alone Jake Travis novel delivers a tour de force of suspense, intrigue, and humor, deftly wrapped in Lane’s trademark literary overtones.


“Lane delivers a confident, engaging Florida tale with a cast of intriguing characters. A solid, entertaining mystery.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Cooler Than Blood is…gripping and highly enjoyable…Jake is at once a classic noir character…a fascinating protagonist.” —ForeWord Clarion Reviews

“Cooler Than Blood” is Lane’s second outing and there is no sophomoric slump here. Every bit as satisfying as Meyer and Coke at the end of the dock at sunset.” —Les Standiford, author of Water to the Angels

Click here to visit Robert Lane’s Amazon author page

★★Discount Links & Free Books★★

This post is dated June 12, 2015. The titles mentioned may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

KND refers to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Check the price on Amazon before purchase.

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Find Her, Keep Her (LOVE in the USA, #1): A Martha’s Vineyard Love Story

by Z.L. Arkadie

Find Her, Keep Her (LOVE in the USA, #1): A Martha
3.8 stars – 708 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This sexy, sensual and emotionally charged contemporary romance series begins on the luscious island of Martha’s Vineyard…

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Finding Allie (Breaking Away Series #1)

by Meli Raine

Finding Allie (Breaking Away Series #1)
4.5 stars – 252 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Chase Halloway’s father is the president of Atlas, the drug dealing motorcycle gang that terrorizes most of our desert town.

* * *

Because We Told Her To

by Sal Conte

Because We Told Her To
4.7 stars – 11 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

It was supposed to be a simple babysitting job, a way for teenage runaway, Kim, to get off the mean streets of Hollywood three nights a week. Then, Amaryllis and Hyacinth said “Let’s play Twitter,” and things got really strange.

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Skater Boy (X-Treme Boys Series Book 1)

by Kay Manis

Skater Boy (X-Treme Boys Series Book 1)
4.4 stars – 85 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When 25 year old Hindley Hagen is offered a new position at her prestigious Austin law firm, she’s ready for the new challenge, but completely unprepared for the familiar blue eyes staring back at her across the boardroom table.

* * *

Saving Forever – Part 1: A Romantic Love Story

by Lexy Timms

Saving Forever - Part 1: A Romantic Love Story
4.3 stars – 138 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Charity Thompson wants to save the world, one hospital at a time. Instead of finishing med school to become a doctor, she chooses a different path and raises money for hospitals – new wings, equipment, whatever they need.

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