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Pinch me, this can’t be true! Eight FREE titles and more! What a wonderful Saturday surprise!

Today’s Sponsor:

My Wolf’s Bane (Shapes of Autumn Book 1)

by Veronica Blade
4.4 stars – 88 reviews
Kindle Price: 99 cents
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“Un-freakin-believable!!” and “This is truly one of the best YA Paranormal novels that I have ever read…” — CafeOfDreamsBookReviews

“I just can’t say enough how much I loved this book!”— InJuliesOpinion.blogspot

“A fast-paced, intriguing start to the Shapes of Autumn series, My Wolf’s Bane is an awesome read.” — Susan Hatler, International bestselling author

NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: As with any Veronica Blade book, this is a ROMANCE NOVEL, meaning it’s romance FIRST and everything else is secondary. Rated PG-13 for sexual situations and mild profanity.

Different species. Mortal enemies. It’ll never work, but they’ll die trying.

Autumn Rossi thought she was a normal teenager. Suddenly, she can outrun every critter in the forest, making her wonder if she’s even human.

When the new guy at school, Zack de Luca, witnesses a questionable scene, he unfairly pins her as stuck-up. He acts like he hates her, yet he keeps bailing her out of trouble. Not only is Zack both insufferable and irresistible, he seems to sniff her anytime he gets close.

As passion flares between them, Autumn isn’t sure which is more dangerous: her psycho ex-boyfriend, or falling for Zack — who’s risking his life just by being near her.

Check out our Free Book Search Tool for a boatload of free books or check here for the best deals today on Kindle!




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The Proving (The Earth-X Trilogy Book 1)

by Ken Brosky
4.2 stars – 10 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Earth that man once knew is long since gone. Gone are the days of human dominance – For over one hundred years now, Earth has been overrun by Specters, terrifying ghost-like aliens that have forced the remaining humans to take refuge inside protected cities. These Xenoshields may protect, but they also cage. Humanity yearns for freedom. Tensions run high between the clans.

Today is the day of The Proving, the day when clan children of a certain age and training venture beyond the protection of the city shields into the wilds where Specters haunt the ancient ruins of man. Tasked with a routine maintenance mission, the clan children venture deep inside Specter territory and quickly find a secret so shocking that it challenges everything they’ve learned.

Poignant, thrilling, and deeply atmospheric The Proving is a non-stop thrill ride you can’t help but sink your teeth into. This coming-of-age tale is a vividly detailed testament to the realities of social pressure and resilience of the human spirit in the shadow of Armageddon. Journey forth into the breach as the last of the human race balances on the precipice of Earth’s final hours.

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Ratham Creek

by Marie F Martin
4.3 stars – 60 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Ratham Creek, a woman-in-jeopardy thriller
Arianne Hollis figures tossing a rose in her husband’s grave is the worst of all endings. Then reality sets in when she is forced to sell their home and use all her savings to clear his debts. To escape and come to terms with her future, she moves into an isolated cabin along Ratham Creek. In the quiet Montana setting and with a new job in the nearby small town, Arianne begins to recover. She meets Ross Ferrell, a handsome lonely member of the clannish mountain people. He slowly wins her love, but a deadly family feud erupts among rival groups living along the creek. Arianne can’t understand the violence that runs deep in Ross and his family. He cannot abandon them. Then Arianne becomes a target. Can she avoid the same vengeance that’s corrupting the clan? Can she save him and their relationship?

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Elle and the Escape:The Hero Chronicles (Volume 4.5)

by Tim Mettey
4.0 stars – 2 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Elle and the Escape follows Elle Canon’s narrow escape from Valcary Hill during the Thusian Trials. Will she be able to survive the darkness that awaits her on the outside, without Nicholas and The 4 nearby? While she is forced to face her fears, including Xavier and the Seekers, a brutal battle unfolds all around her. Elle has no choice but to stand up and fight for her life—and not just her own.

In this companion novella, fans of The Hero Chronicles get an inside glimpse into the character of Elle.

Also included are stories from the winners of The 2016 Hero Chronicles Writing Contest.

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A Lancaster Amish Sketchbook – Book 1 (A Lancaster Amish Sketchbook Serial (Amish Faith Through Fire))

by Ruth Price
4.4 stars – 49 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:


When faced with the temptations of the outside world, will childhood sweethearts Beth Beiler and Isaac Yoder stay true to their faith and each other?

Sixteen-year-old, Lancaster Amish teens Beth Beiler and Isaac Yoder have their lives mapped out. They are young and in love, and as soon as Isaac can get the money together, they intend to marry and have their own farm. But when Beth decides to explore her lifelong passion for drawing by taking an Englischer art class at a local community center, and Isaac finds himself swept away by the lure of earning money in a new career, will Beth and Isaac stay true to each other, or will they sacrifice their love, faith and future together to the temptations of the outside world? Find out in Book 1 of 3 of A Lancaster Amish Sketchbook Serial, the third story arc of the Amish Faith Through Fire series.

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Deadly Odds (A Virginia Holmes Cozy Mystery Book 3)

by Zelda White
4.3 stars – 8 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

An ancient chalice. A missing man. A mysterious death …

Retired detective Virginia Holmes arrives in Las Vegas and quickly finds herself taking on more than she bargained for! With the help of her plucky assistant, she’ll need to uncover the mystery of an ancient artifact if she has any hope of finding an important executive who’s gone missing in the Sin City. But the closer they get to the truth, the faster the bodies pile up.

And if she’s not careful, Holmes will be next!

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Pam of Babylon

by Suzanne Jenkins
4.0 stars – 540 reviews
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Reader’s Favorite winner! From USA Today Bestselling author Suzanne Jenkins, a beautiful life at the beach is marred when Jack has a heart attack on the train from Manhattan, and his wife and two lovers discover secrets and lies, and each other. A #1 Amazon Bestseller

1. Pam of Babylon
2. Don’t You Forget About Me
3. Dream Lover
4. Prayers for the Dying
5. Family Dynamics
6.The Tao of Pam
7. In Memoriam
8. Soulmates

9. Save the Date
10.I’ll Always Love You
11.Beach Spirits
12. South Shore Romance
13. Meet Me at the Beach
14. Pam’s Adventures in Babylon
15. Second Chance

16. If I Ever Leave You
17. Touch Me When We’re Dancing
18. Portrait of Marriage
First Sight
When I was Young
Gladys and Ed’s Big Adventure
Beautiful Heartbreaker
Return to the Beach
Dear Love, From Pam
Short Stories: We’re Just Friends, Julie Hsu
Pam of Babylon Romance Boxed Set
Free on author’s website: A Good Beach Day

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Fierce (Not Quite a Billionaire Book 1)

by Rosalind James
4.4 stars – 294 reviews
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
I never asked Hemi Te Mana to rescue me.
It was true that I had a lousy job. Not to mention a lousy apartment and too much responsibility, although it was a responsibility I wouldn’t have given up for the world. That still didn’t mean I needed rescuing, if that was what you’d call the situation I ended up in.
And anyway, I knew that a multimillionaire Maori CEO with too many muscles, a tribal tattoo, and a take-no-prisoners attitude was way, way out of my league.
So, no, I didn’t ask him to, but he rescued me anyway. Because Hemi was fierce. But you know what I found out? So was I.
Note: If you don’t like strong, determined alpha men and very spicy (but fully consensual) sex, DON’T buy this book. Maybe head for New Zealand instead.

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