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Discover the Power of Food to Nourish Your Body and Soul! Eat Well & Feel Great by Prutha Desai. #1 New Release in Health, Fitness & Dieting Short Reads

Eat Well & Feel Great: The Power of Food to Nourish Your Body and Soul

by Prutha Desai
4.6 stars – 19 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Are you overwhelmed and frustrated with all the different information on diets and don’t know where to begin?

It’s completely okay to be confused! The truth is that one diet plan does not fit all because we are not all designed the same way. This book is not about the latest diet or any quick fixes. It’s about a lifestyle and a way to approach what and how you eat. All of this is explained in an extremely simple manner!

Here is a preview of what you will learn:

    • The importance of real, unprocessed food and how to eat mindfully
    • How to shop and incorporate real, whole foods into your routine
    • How real food has the power to heal your body and mind. Food is medicine.
    • How you can make simple changes to your current eating habits so that eating healthy foods becomes automatic for you
    • A fun challenge that you can try with a friend or family member to build small habits
    • Simple healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Eat Well & Feel Great will help you discover your best life! All you have to do is start!

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