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An action-packed sci-fi adventure with plenty of surprises: Target Earth (INVADERS Book 1) by Hammer Trollkin

Target Earth (INVADERS Book 1)

by Hammer Trollkin
4.5 stars – 6 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Evil MONSTERS! They came to colonize Venus. It was just like home for them. We could have lived with that. Then they figured out EARTH could be turned into an INFERNO just like Venus! Too bad for us. True, they would probably have wiped us out anyway. The evil ones love their fiery sport. But we are an amazing people, well-practiced in the art of war. Join Jacks, Molly, and the rest of the team as the Hotshots use their variety of skills to extinguish the fire that threatens us all. Expect an action-packed adventure with plenty of surprises.

We saw the demons coming. That technological SuperEvolution we had embraced blasted-off when super computers gave way to quantum computers. As could be expected, the militaries of the world were at the forefront of the tech explosion.

Earth Defense Forces groaned, “If only we had a couple more years.” Maybe three. That tech SuperEvolution would have saved us. But the monsters came too early. Then they invaded in slow motion, happy to wait us out while their thermo-forming machines turned Earth into a hell-hole like Venus. You know, for sure, we fought with everything we had. No other choice. Almost no one wanted to accept the ridiculous offer to spar one-in-a-thousand to live on their vision of a terra-formed Mars. We knew on an instinctual level, the best life for those poor wretches would be as slaves to mine the asteroid belt.

Just so you know, there are a few scenes with Christian related dialogue. That is to be expected, since several of the main characters are Christian. And in the second book of the series, you will find an apocalyptic shift. It is a unique science-fictional presentation drawn from the ancient, biblical apocalyptic wells of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are only the beginning. It can get a little dark at times. But hope springs eternal.

Still reading? Okay. There’s more.

Do you remember the early 2020s? All of those unidentified aerial objects? The new UFO. Anyway, a few military videos were finally released showing craft that defied the known laws of physics. They were military videos, mind. And sure enough, the cool new UFOs were ours. No kidding! Experimental craft using quantum nonlocality shifts and who knows what else. Who knew? The shouts, at times, were rather insistent. Why aren’t we doing something? They are in our fricking airspace. What if it’s the Chinese? The Russians? Some felt it would be better if the ships held aliens from another star system. What… had… we… become?

The aliens from another star were so inhuman. And, in that, there was a lesson to be learned. We are a human family and should treat each other accordingly. Hopefully, that sentiment will last for a while. You only get so many do-overs.

Hey, what about those rather insistent voices? Why aren’t we doing something! Those unidentified aerial phenomena are preoccupied with our military air space. Hold on a second. What would you expect? Where else would you send up experimental aircraft while being tested? You wouldn’t want one of those to end up in the wrong hands. And if some of our own pilots were kept out of the loop, what better way to test the capability of said experimental aircraft? Be careful to observe the Rules of Engagement!

Finally, I want to mention those occasional violent scenes. It’s an alien invasion. A war. There is some violence. I try to stay within reasonable boundaries. But some scenes could be too violent for some. Check out my website if you want to get a feel for the level of violence. Maybe before your youngster reads the book. I’m Hammer Trollkin. Peace-Out.

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