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Steve O’Riley is a young cowboy, who stumbles onto the scene of a bank robbery in progress. After catching the Sheriff’s attention with his bravery and skills, he is offered the job of deputy, and shortly, he becomes the most beloved sheriff in Dakota. Yet the young sheriff’s success comes...
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Falling for her was not part of his duty.Katherine Mcdougal had three years to prepare for her coronation ceremony, but that does not make her any less nervous. After all, it is not common for an eighteen-year-old lass to become the leader of a Scottish clan!Yet, Katherine, being the former Laird's...
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He came for her estate, but he took her heart away.Being the son of a hired killer and a noble lady, thus a half-royal man, Irvine MacMillian has always known that his descent would fill his path to the Lairdship with thorns. Now that the old Laird has died, Irvine's uncle becomes the temporary...
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Taming the west—one heart at a time. Healing HeartLonnie Holt’s external scars remind him of his failures, his internal scars torment him. Genny Collins seeks safety at the ranch once owned by Lonnie’s uncle. When Lonnie and his brother arrive, sparks fly and distrust abounds. While Lonnie...
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The Cowboys
By: Jennifer Uhlarik, Linda W. Yezak, Cindy Ervin Huff, Sandra Merville Hart
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'Great emotional thriller'"But the man had a gun. This was an armed robbery. Even Tony's limited knowledge of the world extended to that"Growing up in the bomb ravaged setting of London's east end, just after World War 2, young Tony Selby's parents want a better life for their son. His ex-RAF...
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Charming a woman is not easy but charming a warrior lass is nearly impossible.Erik McGregor is traveling to McPearson land, trying to strengthen the fragile bond between the two clans. Before he arrives, he comes upon a young lass, who has accidentally stuck in a tree while hunting. After taking...
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Uncovering her would lead to the greatest battle of his life.After her older sister's marriage five years ago, Breta's father grew lax, giving her the chance to develop into a wild child. But as sure as the sunris e, the moment of Breta's marriage arrives as well, and her dreams of avoiding it are...
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After a decade working as a tough Chicago cop, Bruce Hanson has begun a successful business as a private investigator in the city. When his business starts expanding in the far West, he finds himself enjoying the rugged wilderness and small-town life of the frontier. Trouble ensues however when a...
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THE DEMONS AND THE LAST FAIRY THE SHADY FILE #3:Violent, Gory, Action Packed, Fantastical, and Bathed in Fire.Five Demons enter the Forest of Light to hunt the Last Fairy. The chaotic ballet that follows is the third story of The Shady File.This is another of my books that falls under the “I...
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Experience the scandalous world of the "Wicked and Wanton in London" series with this complete boxset. Indulge in the never-before-seen finale, along with all previous books! But hurry, extra bonus content is only available for a limited time. Don't wait to get swept away in this seductive journey...
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