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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert for Thursday, April 8, 2010: Three New Free Kindle Titles, and Dozens More

Three new  titles are free in the Kindle Store on Thursday morning, and here they are along with other free promotional titles in the Kindle Store.

No Kindle Required: Whether you are a long-time Kindle owner or you’ve just acquired an iPad and are filling it with ebooks for the first time or you are reading Kindle books on a PC, Mac, BlackBerry, iPhone or iPad Touch, you can get any and all of these titles absolutely free on your Kindle-compatible device of choice! Click here to download a free Kindle App for your device.

Just a little note here: the best way to find out about these listings right away, when they occur, is to subscribe to the Kindle edition of Kindle Nation Daily, which pushes Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alerts directly to your Kindle Home screen 24/7. And as we observed again this weekend, “right away” is often just in time.

4.5 out of 5 stars (20)

90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death & Life

3.8 out of 5 stars (596)


A Promise to Remember

4.9 out of 5 stars (21)
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