With all of the anger that is brewing among readers over the hostile ebook pricing attack unleashed on Kindle customers by Penguin Publishers in the past few days, it’s worth knowing that the Kindle Store now includes an easy mechanism for us to report pricing discrepancies and instances of “cheaper ebook prices elsewhere” right on a Kindle book’s webpage.
At the bottom of any item’s “Product Details” metadata section, you’ll see a line that reads ” Would you like to update product info, give feedback on images, or tell us about a lower price?” Just click on “tell us about a lower price” and you’ll see this pop-up. Since most of Amazon’s agreements and contracts with publishers prohibit the publishers from offering books for lower prices at competing sites, the company will presumably use the information that we customers provide in such reports to enforce the rules, and lower Kindle Store prices, wherever possible.
Thanks to longtime Kindle Nation citizen Peter C., who wrote in yesterday with a question asking why he could get 61 Hours from Kobo for $9.99 when it is listed for almost 50% more at Amazon. Ironically, in this instance the Kindle price seems to be Amazon’s responsibility rather than an agency publisher’s, but that didn’t keep me from filing a report as shown below: