Update: I just returned (7/18) from a road trip and received, while I was gone, information calling some of my calculations here into question. So I am reviewing for accuracy and will be revising and reposting soon. My apologies for any fuzzy math.
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Around the Kindlesphere: Tracking the Kindle Tsunami is Challenging for Some Publishing Insiders, And Sometimes for Me
Perhaps you noticed, a few days ago, when the Hachette Book Group shouted out to the world that “bestselling author James Patterson has broken yet another record — this time with tremendous ebook sales.”
As we mentioned back on June 3, the popular subscription-based book industry website Publisher’s Marketplace reported that day “Knopf Doubleday spokesman Paul Bogaards says their internal figures show an approximate first week sell-through of 425,000 units–which includes 125,000 ebook editions” for the third Larsson book, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.The most conservative estimate of the Kindle Store’s share of those ebook sales for the week beginning May 24 would be at least 60 percent, or 75,000 units, given that Larsson’s books have never been carried in the iBooks Store.If we trend out Kindle Store sales for The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest for the subsequent six weeks, based on the fact that its Kindle sales ranking was 1-1-2-1-1-1-1 for the first seven weeks of its sales life, the most conservative cumulative figure for this ebook’s sales over the seven weeks is 350,000 (or a total of 4.67 times its first week sales).However, as shown in the screenshot (above right) of the cumulative 2010 year-to-date Bestseller Archive for the Kindle Store, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest ranks only at #4 in the Kindle Store so far this year, trailing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo at #1, The Girl Who Played with Fire at #2, and The Help at #3. Based on this array, year-to-date ebook sales for The Girl Who Played with Fire can’t have been lower than 350,000 (and, probably, easily exceeded 400,000) and year-to-date ebook sales for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo can’t have been lower than 400,000 (and, probably, easily exceeded 500,000).Using all of this information as well as further modeling based on seasonality, growth of the installed based of Kindles, iPads and other Kindle-compatible devices, and implications of actual sales numbers for other titles at various rankings above and below the Stieg titles, I have arrived at the numbers shown here as an absolute conservative baseline for Kindle Store ebook sales of the three Stieg novels since December 21, 2009.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – 577,667The Girl Who Played with Fire – 361,226The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest – 350,000