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From the Kindle Nation Mailbag: Text-to-Speech Enabled Only on Deluxe Edition of New “W” Memoir, But the Price is the Same!

Thanks to long-time Kindle Nation citizen Tricia for this informative note about something I missed in an earlier post about various editions of George Bush’s new memoir Decision Points:


I was really interested in what you had to say about George Bush’s new book and the 2 editions.  I bought the deluxe one.  Then, this morning, when I was again looking at the Amazon pages on this book, I saw that the text-to-speech is enabled in the deluxe edition and disabled in the other?  The disabling of text-to-speech is a really big issue for me as I have a mild visual handicap and sometimes need to listen to a book instead of read it. (I also like to have books read to me while I prepare dinner.)


Thanks, Tricia! I also use text-to-speech on a daily basis, including while I am in the kitchen. The good news here is that the Deluxe Edition with Text-to-Speech: Enabled is currently available at the same $9.99 price as the basic edition with TTS shut down. It may not be available at that price for long, but it makes for an easy choice as long as the price stays put!

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