(Ed. Note: Have you ever wondered if the authors of contemporary paranormal thrillers were just literary hacks? English majors who could be writing about pretty much anything, but they chose the paranormal because it seemed like a profitable niche? Well, if that’s what you were thinking, perhaps it is time you met Danielle Q. Lee, today’s Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert sponsor. She’s passionate about the paranormal, and she brings a powerful imagination to the creation of an entirely new fictional heroine. –S.W.)
If you are passionate about the paranormal,
you’re going to love
Danielle Lee
Kindle Price: Just $0.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Science Fiction Action/Adventure – Approx. 55,000 words
With tuition fees looming, University student Cassia Tiponi is forced to offer herself as a guinea pig to the science department. After much poking and prodding by future doctors, a blood test reveals something startling…
Cassia does not have human DNA.
While being hunted by a dark faction of the government, she must uncover the secrets surrounding her mysterious birth to discover who…and what…she is.
Contains mild sexual content, coarse language
About the Author
Endeavoring into the world of fiction, her first novel Dimensions of Genesis delves deep into the realm of the unknown.
Her articles have appeared in online sites such as UFO Digest, Paranormal News, The Anomalist, The Debris Field and many others. Recently her Ghost Hunting Etiquette 101 article has been accepted by Sci-Fi channel’s Ghost Hunters TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) Paramagazine.

by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, M.D.
but listed as “The Heart Foundation Book”)
Added Manually: 10/26/2010 7 am EST