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Kindle Edition Subscribers and RSS Readers: It’s Still a Snap to Get the Newest Listings from Our Daily Free Book Alerts

Now that we are providing our new, automated Free Book Alert tool for the Kindle Store, readers who use RSS readers such as Google Reader or an Atom feed may be wondering if they will still have access to the newest listings in our daily Free Book Alerts.

Not to worry!

If you’ve been accessing our Free Book Alerts through a device or RSS app that does not display the Free Book Alert tool, here are two easy fixes, and you can choose the one that works best for you:

  • The easiest way to make sure you get a full, updated list of all the free contemporary titles for the current month is to subscribe, for just 99 cents a month, to the Kindle edition of Kindle Nation Daily. Each morning between 9 a.m. and noon Eastern time a Free Book Alert will be pushed directly to yourall the free contemporary titles that have been added to the Kindle Store since the beginning of the current month. Kindle with freshly updated, clear (and clickable) listings of Try it free for 14 days: we think you’ll like it, and if you keep your subscription you will save a lot more than that 99 cents. And of course your subscription will also provide you with all the other articles and posts from the Kindle Nation daily blog.
  • The other option, for readers who use an RSS feed to read Kindle Nation, is a pretty simple one: just click on the hyperlinked headline of that day’s Free Book Alert, and the fully enhanced version of the post — including the Free Book Alert tool — will appear in your browser, if you are using a device and browser that accomodate frames.

I hope that helps keep everyone connected with all the hard work we do to provide all the citizens of Kindle Nation with the best and the cheapest Kindle Store offerings!

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