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Exclusively Amazon: eBook Lovers Respond Quickly As Kindle Locks In Yet Another Writer, Adding Bestseller Warren Adler To Growing Ranks of Kindle-Exclusive Top-Sheld eBook Authors

By Tom Dulaney, Contributing Reporter
Exclusively Amazon:  Amazon and bestselling authors continue to change the rules in publishing when it comes to ebooks, and Kindle readers seem to love it, based on the skyrocketing rankings for one bestselling author’s new books released yesterday.

Five brand new, never before published, books by Warren Adler were released Monday as part of his exclusive agreement with Amazon, which runs for the next two years. The books are also available in print, by way of Amazon’s CreateSpace.

From far down in the Amazon rankings at the time of the release, all 5 books have shot up the bestseller lists.  

“This exclusive deal reflects the rapidly changing need for mainstream novelists to find innovative ways to market their books,” Adler is quoted as saying in the Amazon press release.
The new Adler titles, their starting rank at the time of the announcement yesterday, and their current ranking  as of 11 a.m. EST:
The David Embrace (203,000 to 6,047)
Flanagan’s Dolls (unranked to 4,548)
The Womanizer (218,000 to 1,796)
Residue  (229,000 to 8,603)
Empty Treasures (unranked to 3,598)
Adler is perhaps best known for The War of the Roses and Random Hearts, both made into major motion pictures. 
Just last week, Amazon announced satire publisher The Onion–”[which] misinforms more than 1.8 million readers weekly” in print and a whopping 10 million online each month—has created five collections exclusively for the Kindle store: America’s Finest Tech News, Chronicles of The Area Man, The Finest Reporting on Literature, Media and Other Dying Art Forms; The Best of Jim Anchower and The Best of Herbert Kornfeld. All are $2.99 in the Kindle Store.
The day before The Onion announcement, bestselling author Seth Godin and Amazon announced an exclusive deal for an initial six titles using Amazon’s new Powered By Amazon publishing program.

Interested readers can sign up for further details on that project, still rather sketchy, here

In October, another Kindle Store exclusive made Nice Guy Johnny, a screenplay by Edward Burns, available exclusively in the Kindle Store.
David Morrell’s The Naked Edge kicked off a Fall of Exclusives for the Kindle Store back on September 14.  Morrell has a long list of bestsellers, including his first big hit, First Blood, which introduced the world to Rambo.
Morrell’s exclusive deal included 9 of his previously published—in print—books, now available as ebooks only in the Kindle Store.
Amazon’s Kindle store has been scoring exclusives for months, ensuring that readers who want to enjoy ebooks by scores of top-selling authors from around the world will need to go to the Kindle Store for satisfaction.
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