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Kindle Nation Bargain Alert: Six More Great Reads at 99 Cents Each!

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When I posted a special bargain book alert yesterday featuring a dozen great reads for about 99 cents apiece in the Kindle Store, I closed with a bit of a tease:

And here’s a promise: tomorrow we’ll let you know about an entire storefront full of novels by a favorite Kindle Nation author, all priced at just 99 cents for a limited time only!

I’m back to keep that promise, and this is a treat.
Cheryl Tardif has already proven herself a favorite with Kindle Nation readers with terrific novels like her YA suspense novel WHALE SONG and her romantic thriller LANCELOT’S LADY. Think “Canadian Suspense with a Killer Twist,” and there’s a good chance it may remind you of one of her novels that you have already enjoyed.
But now she’s really gone and done it!  
Cheryl has arranged with her publisher, Imajin Books, to offer six of her most popular novels at the bargain price of just 99 cents each for a limit time through the holiday season!
It’s all well and good to have such a really cool sale, but it wouldn’t matter unless people hear about it, so Cheryl has really stepped up by sponsoring this post to let the citizens of Kindle Nation in on all the details. 
(Ed. Note: What she might not mention herself is that she is one of the highest rated authors ever to make an appearance on Kindle Nation, with over 100 5-star ratings and terrific 4.7 and 4.8-star averages that range across all of her work. And at 99 cents each, there’s very little reason not to give each of these a try and add them to your Kindle library for the time that’s just right for each book. -S.W.)
Here are the six novels that will be priced at just 99 cents through January 10, 2011: 
(YA/mystery novel – 2010 edition – movie deal and 3rd print edition pending)
Sarah Richardson’s family moves from the Montana countryside to Vancouver Island just as she’s about to enter sixth grade. Sarah soon finds that island life suits her perfectly–thanks, especially, to her new best friend, Goldie, whose Native American heritage Sarah finds fascinating, especially the wisdom passed to the girls from Goldie’s grandmother, Nana. Sarah is also intrigued to learn that her marine-biologist father shares a passion with her new Indian friends: killer whales, which the natives revere and her father studies. 
Life isn’t all native spirituality, however, as Sarah must confront a family tragedy that will change her life forever. Though overly melodramatic in places, Tardif’s story has that perennially crowd-pleasing combination of sweet and sad that so often propels popular commercial fiction, especially coming-of-age stories. Tardif, already a big hit in Canada, may soon be a name to reckon with south of the border. Mary Frances Wilkens, BookList Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
A Bahamas holiday from dying billionaire JT Lance, a man with a dark secret, leads palliative nurse Rhianna McLeod to Jonathan, a man with his own troubled past, and Rhianna finds herself drawn to the handsome recluse, while unbeknownst to her, someone with a horrific plan is hunting her down.

Thirteen stories take you from one hold-your-breath chapter to the next. 
In this dark, suspenseful and somewhat comical look at one man’s desires, Remote Control, a novelette by bestselling author Cheryl Kaye Tardif delivers a strong message: Be careful what you wish for!
Learn more at Amazon’s Cheryl Tardif Page, including:

Cheryl Kaye Tardif is a bestselling Canadian suspense author who enthusiastically tackles sensitive questions and terrifying scenarios that most people don’t like to even think about. From psychic investigators, abuse in the foster care system, serial killers, fountain of youth serums, nanotechnology, conspiracies, bullying, racism, assisted suicide, child abductions, sexual assault, alcoholism, drug addiction, mind control and more, she delves into the human psyche and picks at our worst fears.

“One doesn’t simply read a Tardif story, one experiences it!” –Betty Dravis, author of Dream Reachers

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