In a world where everyone has a unique, magical power, the only girl without one must find a way to bring her family together….
(Ed. Note: Each day lately I get several emails from readers who have discovered new, previously unknown authors with a little help from our Kindle Nation features, and frankly it is one of the things I enjoy most about my work. But if it’s one thing to be able to help you find a single novel that gives you pleasure, my own pleasure is all the greater when you connect with a new author who has created a series with characters and a story line that have the power to keep you company over more than just a few hours. It has happened in a range of different genres from Paul Levine’s Jake Lassiter mysteries to Imogen Rose’s Portal Chronicles to today’s sponsoring author, Jason Letts, and — in his POWERLESS series — a narrative of fascinating speculation and magical beauty that will show you on nearly every “page” why it is entirely appropriate that author Tim O’Brien would have offered an epigraph, quoted above the fold, from his stirring Vietnam War novel The Things They Carried. Today it’s a pleasure to help Mr. Letts present The Stasis, the third novel in the POWERLESS saga. If it’s all new to you, you are in for a treat, and the author has stepped to help introduce you by offering the first novel in the series — Powerless: The Synthesis — for just 99 cents for a limited time. -S.W.)
Powerless: The Synthesis – Book 1 — Just 99 cents for a limited time!
Powerless: The Shadowing – Book 2
Powerless: The Stasis – Book 3
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