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If you don’t think a New Age healing book could be your next great read, maybe you haven’t checked out this free sample of Meredith Kendall’s Reiki Nurse: My life as a nurse and how reiki changed it

Bouncing from Maine to Hawaii and back again, Meredith Kendall shares a natural storyteller’s flair in this tantalizing, insightful and often hilarious glimpse into the worlds of lay midwifery, herbal medicine, and natural healing. Reiki Nurse Just $2.99 on Kindle!

Maine perches at the end of the continent and conjures solid images of rocks, lobsters, and Yankee farmers, but there’s nothing “solid” about this book. Meredith Kendall bounces from Maine to Hawaii and back again, from hospital deathbeds to homebirths, Pleiades, and The Other Side in Reiki Nurse. It’s a fascinating tale of Kendall’s experiences as a nurse and reiki practitioner in rural Maine. It’s a page-turner: staccato chapters read like intimate conversations. You’ll get sucked in from the start and won’t want to stop as Kendall hitchhikes around the country, moves into a cabin in the woods, and becomes a nurse.
Read what nurses do behind the scenes. Her conventional nursing job includes forays into lay midwifery and herbal medicine, but takes a sharp turn when she starts speaking with a medical intuitive.
And that’s just the beginning!
“Mr G. told me he’d had painful spasms all over his body, every five minutes, all day. He’d received reiki before, and wanted another session. I focused on the reiki symbols, and began channeling the energy. I felt the familiar tingling starting at the top of my head, and progressing down both arms. Gradually the sounds of the noisy ICU faded away. It felt like my ears were muffled.

“I felt myself pulled into the reiki symbol; Mr G. was there too. We went down and around the loops of the symbol. The symbol was three-dimensional, and we were inside. It glowed neon green, pulsed with energy, and moved through space.

“We curved around the spirals of the symbol, until suddenly we were spit out among the stars. We floated amid the bright stars. A beautiful lady appeared. Huge. I could see just her face and shoulders. She had a shawl around her head. Shawl wasn’t the right word, I thought, but it was the word that came into my mind. She smiled at us with infinite love and kindness.

“Slowly the vision faded, and we were back in the ICU. About twenty minutes had passed. Wow! Nothing like that had ever happened to me before.”

About the Author:

Meredith Kendall received her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Southern Maine, and her master’s degree in nursing education from St Joseph’s College of Maine. Kaimora attuned Kendall to Reiki Master at Tangwala in Oquossoc, Maine.

Kendall is a nursing instructor and reiki practitioner. She lives in rural Maine where she enjoys spinning wool, snowshoeing, and gardening.

Reviews and Commentary:

According to author, crime reporter, and columnist Mark LaFlamme, Reiki Nurse is:
“A tantalizing and insightful glimpse into the worlds of nursing and alternative healing. Kendall has a natural storyteller’s flair: her tales from the nursing front are at times somber, at others, hilarious. The author seems to examine her own inner workings as much as that of the profession that has consumed her life. An honest and open examination of a profession none of us care to know very personally but one that we will all need. Whether you’ve watched a loved one spend final days in the care of a medical professional or laid healing hands yourself, you will dig the voyeuristic view of the inside offered by Kendall’s debut book.

“I was a fan by page two and will no doubt read the book again.”

From Vine Voice Top 500 Reviewer Linda Bulger:

“When people choose to write honestly about their challenges and passions, there is always something to be learned in the reading. Since REIKI NURSE: My Life As a Nurse, and How Reiki Changed It is set largely in the rural county where I live, I was eager to read it. 

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

“Kendall’s style is conversational and refreshingly random as she tells stories of her early nursing days. She provided home care to patients for fourteen years, driving 500 miles a week through the Maine forests. Her stories of the patients she cared for and the impact they had on her are fascinating snapshots of a nurse’s life.

“Leaving the home health field, she worked the night shift in a small hospital. During this time she began exploring the spiritual side of her work as a healer, and getting in touch with her personal energy sources. After reading a book on reiki, which she explains as an ancient tradition that channels healing energy from the universe, she began to study reiki.

“Many of the ideas presented in “Reiki Nurse” are not usually “dreamt of in our philosophy,” but this immensely readable book will make you glad that modern medicine makes room for the spiritual aspect of healing–and that committed nurses like Kendall are there to lead the way.”

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