When 15-year-old Sonya Garrison is accepted into prestigious Bridgeton Academy, she discovers that rich girls are just as dangerous as the thugs back home in Venton Heights. Can she defeat the reigning high school royalty? Or will they succeed in ruining her lifelong dream of becoming a world class dancer? Leslie DuBois’ The Queen Bee of Bridgeton – 4.5 Stars and Just 99 Cents on Kindle!
When fifteen-year-old Sonya Garrison is accepted into the prestigious Bridgeton Academy, she soon discovers that rich girls are just as dangerous as the thugs in her home of Venton Heights. Maybe more so.
After catching the eye of the star, white basketball player and unwittingly becoming the most popular girl in school, she earns the hatred of the three most ruthless and vindictive girls at Bridgeton.
Can she defeat the reigning high school royalty? Or will they succeed in ruining her lifelong dream of becoming a world class dancer?