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In This Issue


Greetings from Kindle Nation!

You may not be shocked to learn that I absolutely love it when your citizenship in Kindle Nation leads to good things in your live, whether they be great reading, cool Kindle accessories, a chance to win a free Kindle like Cyndi Collins won last week, or …

wait for it …

how about a free trip halfway around the world?

So imagine how happy I was to receive this email this morning from Susan at WorldReader.org, who you may recall appeared here at Kindle Nation back in late March with a guest post about a chance to win a trip to Africa to participate in WorldReader’s mission putting Kindles in the hands of kids there:

Hi Stephen,
How are you?  I hope all is well.
I just wanted to point you in the direction of Sara Rhyne–she won the video competition to travel to Africa with us, and she saw it on Kindle Nation!
I am passing over a link to an interesting interview with her: http://bit.ly/jfgM3b.  She is currently in Kenya and is having a great time…
Take it easy,

Doesn’t get much better, for me. Thanks, Susan, and congratulations, Sara!

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