The dystopian novel ‘Godonism’ is set in the year 159, Nebula Era – a time when people have to pawn their minds and other ‘assets’ in order to survive; and at the peak of decadence, the falling of the everlasting gold unexpectedly comes…
The two eighteen-year-old boys, Ahma and Jovian, have no other choice but to start selling tickets for Hereafter.
The novel ‘Godonism’ paves the ground of Atheism in fiction.
From the Back Cover:
Life is not a gift; life is a struggle with the others and yourself.’ Theo Von Cezar
‘…To a farther side, isolated in a corral, there was a mob of pugnacious furry creatures quarreling over who must be the first to knock two stones together to produce the first man-made fire on Earth, unaware that this act would be responsible for advancing their instinctual minds.
The wretched cohort of hominids was profoundly ignored by all animals; the animals – they were in power now – were the beneficiaries of the most sophisticated minds, with which they tried to discover the equation of all times…’
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