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Publetariat Dispatch: Good Show, Sir – Bad Book Cover Archive
In today’s Publetariat Dispatch, indie author and small press owner Alan Baxter shares the Good Show, Sir website, which showcases truly awful book cover designs.
My brother-in-law put me onto this great site (thanks Adrian!) It’s called Good Show Sir and it’s all about showcasing the worst book covers in sci-fi and fantasy. Their explanation is this:
The truth is that these days there’s been a considerable improvement in book cover design. Some covers of recent spec-fic releases are truly outstanding. But there was a time when any sci-fi or fantasy book was guaranteed an awful cover of one kind or another. That’s where this site comes in. Check it out here.
To whet your appetite, I present this:
This is a reprint from Alan Baxter‘s alanbaxteronline site.
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