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Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! Available now! A great back-to-school read for your ten to fourteen-year-olds: NOAH ZARC – MAMMOTH TROUBLE – 5 Stars, $2.99


Follow the adventures of a time-traveling twelve-year-old as he rockets through space and time in a huge ship called the ARC (Animal Rescue Cruiser), saving the earths animals before they are destroyed in a world-wide cataclysm.
Here’s the set-up:

Noah lives for piloting spaceships through time, dodging killer robots and saving Earth’s animals from extinction. Life couldn’t be better. However, the twelve-year-old time traveler soon learns it could be a whole lot worse. His mom is abducted and taken to thirty-first century Mars; his dad becomes stranded in the Ice Age; and Noah is attacked at every turn by a foe bent on destroying a newly habitable, post apocalyptic Earth.

Traveling through time in the family’s immense spaceship, parents. Along the way, he discovers his mother and father aren’t who he thought they were, and there is strength inside him he didn’t know he had.

There may be book reports in the future of your child or grandchild, but nobody said they weren’t allowed to be fun!

Download to your Kindle now for only $2.99!

Noah Zarc: Mammoth Trouble

by D. Robert Pease
5 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
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