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Kindle Nation Reader Alert: The Engaging Fiction of Christopher Meeks

While “literary fiction” is a broad genre, Christopher Meeks has created his own niche, one that uses humor, depth, and romance. Amazon Top-Ten reviewer Grady Harp says Meeks is a “master craftsman” and “his stance in the echelon of new important American writers seems solidly secure.”

Just published, Love At Absolute Zero is about a physicist, 32-year-old Gunnar Gunderson, who tries to apply the tools of science to finding a soul mate—in three days. Chaos occurs. Diana Raabe of The Raabe Review says, “Gunnar Gunderson will pull at your heartstrings and make you laugh at the same time. I dare you not to cheer for him.”


Red Adept Reviews says, “The author hit a home run. It’s a very good story, well told.”


by Christopher Meeks
4.1 stars – 21 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Love At Absolute Zero is about a physicist who tries to apply the tools of science to finding a soul mate. Specifically, when Gunnar Gunderson, a 32-year-old physicist at the University of Wisconsin, can only think of finding a wife, his research falters. To meet his soul mate within three days–all time he can carve out–he and his team are using the scientific method, to riotous results.

“It is impossible not to like Gunnar Gunderson,” says Sam Sattler of Book Chase. “As he progresses from one disaster or near miss to the next, one views him with a mixture of compassion and laughter, but he is such a good-hearted young man that it is impossible not to root for him.”

The Brightest Moon of the Century follows Edward, a young Minnesotan, who is blessed with an abundance of “experience”—first when his mother dies and next when his father, an encyclopedia salesman, shoehorns Edward into a private boys school where he’s tortured and groomed.


Marc Schuster of Small Press Reviews said, “Meeks has come out with a stunning debut novel, and I have to say that I’ve gone from being an admirer of his work to a full-blown fan—bordering on, perhaps, groupie.”


Cherie Parker in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune says, “Minnesota native Christopher Meeks chronicles one man’s path to middle age and, in doing so, illustrates how choices and circumstances … have a way of irrevocably cementing a person’s future.”



Short fiction is where Meeks first appeared on the literary radar. Critic Grady Harp, who has reviewed all five of Meeks’ books in depth, cites that what Meeks does is that he has “the technical virtuosity of creating characters in a minimum of space and then unfold those characters in response to the movement of the landscape.” He says, “He is likely to continue on his climb to one of America’s more important writers this decade.” Try these:

The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea is a story collection about love, death, humor, and the glue called family. “So stunning…that I could not help but move on to the next story,” said Entertainment Weekly.

Months and Seasons was a finalist in the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award for best collection. “With this collection, Christopher Meeks proves there is an audience for short stories,” said Gary Roen of the Midwest Book Review.

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