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If you’re wondering how to use this month’s free Kindle Owners’ Lending Library borrow, Today’s Kindle Nation Daily eBook of the Day is just the ticket!

The Sabbatical

by Frederick Pinto
4.8 stars – 9 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Charles worked six years to get it “all”: the hot online music start-up of the day, a quasi-functioning relationship with a celebrity artist girlfriend, and the regional status of a minor rock star. But one day was all it took for him to find himself with nothing. Forced to confront life’s big questions for the first time in years, he presses the reset button to find out what appears onscreen. At the dawn of year seven, with the worlds outside and inside him unraveling rapidly, he must decide what, if anything, is worth living for. Spanning three continents and set in today’s post-apocalyptic music industry, The Sabbatical is a journey through the heart of a modern world as cynical in belief as it is restless in action.

Editorial Reviews

“Pinto knows the world he writes about … the book does a good job conjuring the glitz and the sham of the contemporary music business. An engrossing critique.” – Kirkus Indie Reviews“(A) fresh, irreverent novel … Pinto’s humor successfully skewers the absurdly superficial tone of the entertainment world … a classic quest in a modern world.” – ForeWord Clarion Reviews (Five star review)

“A clever, edgy, fast-paced take on man’s timeless quest for meaning and authenticity within a society that celebrates the superficial over creative and spiritual fulfillment. Pinto’s rapid-fire writing style and mercurial social analysis make for a very unique, thought-provoking perspective. He nailed it.” The Huffington Post

“Striking imagery, witty and often dark prose … an insider look into an industry that at once fascinates and disgusts. Pinto has captured a moment in time that will be likened to the heyday of yuppies on Wall Street in the 80’s and the Gatsbies of the roaring twenties.”  Pinkmafia.ca

“Takes the tradition of the philosophical novel into the age of social media and the creative urban industries. Filled with delicious satire on characters like pretentious indie hipsters, silver shark alpha douche executives, and flaky artists. An Alchemist with a dark, gritty edge.” – Bandmark.com

About the Author

The Sabbatical is the debut novel of Frederick Pinto, an entertainment lawyer and writer based in Montreal.


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