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Would You Die For The One You Love? Nixon Abandonato Made His Choice. And Now he Has to Pay The Price...
ELECT (Eagle Elite) by Rachel Van Dyken, Bestselling Author of ELITE and THE WAGER
Sample For Free & Pre-order Now For December 10 Release Date!

Elect (Eagle Elite)

by Rachel Van Dyken

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Here’s the set-up:
Would you die for the one you love?
Nixon Abandonato made his choice. And now he has to pay the price. Tracey is the love of his life, but being with him has made her a target of his family’s enemies. The only way to keep Trace alive is convince the world she means nothing to him.Trace Rooks has fallen irrevocably in love with the son of her family’s sworn rival, and she knows in her bones nothing can tear them apart. Until Nix suddenly pushes her away and into the arms of his best friend… But Trace isn’t ready to give up on a future with Nix–and if he won’t fight for them, she will.

In the end, a sacrifice must be made. A life for a life. For what better way to cover a multitude of sins than with the blood of a sinner . . .

Visit Rachel Van Dyken’s Amazon Author Page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Elect by Rachel Van Dyken:

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