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A Dark Comic Tale of Transformation And Choices… Discover Lisa Souza’s Beauty and the Bridesmaid Today!

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Here’s the set-up:

Could love be a nip/tuck away?

Having endured her mother’s fourth wedding, hypnotized by reruns of Extreme Makeover®, and tempted by Zvengali-esque image consultant Kennedy J, über bridesmaid Dot Lindell launches into an odyssey of self improvement, plastic surgery and therapy.

What price will she pay?

Beauty and the Bridesmaid is a darkly comic tale of transformation and choices, frenemies and friendship, the heroic saga of a nice woman who just wants to look in a mirror and feel beautiful.

About The Author

Lisa Souza lives an often damp existence in Western Washington. She is a former Microsoft employee, a registered hypnotist and a terrible multi-tasker.

She’s also a joiner: the National Guild of Hypnotists, the HypnoChicks, the fine folks at Stage32.com, the Skagit Valley Writers League, the Northwest Women Writers and the Wet Coast Writers. Which is a lot of joining.

The staff at the Fairgrounds continues to inspire her while providing much needed material (oh the stories they tell!) and her G-Prep buddies keep her honest.

She lives with her engineer/author husband Mark Souza,(of “Robyn’s Egg” fame), her two creative daughters and perhaps the world’s goofiest looking dog.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Beauty and the Bridesmaid by Lisa Souza:

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