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Bargain Books Alert! Overnight Flash Price Cuts in Today’s Kindle Daily Deals **Plus Theresa Rizzo’s Award Winning Romance Novel He Belongs to Me, Now 99 Cents

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He Belongs to Me

by Theresa Rizzo

4.5 stars – 76 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Winner of The National Indie Excellence Award

Catherine Boyd will do anything to regain custody of her young son…
Even reconcile with the husband accused of killing their son’s twin.Catherine graduates from college, eager to start a new life with her six-year-old son, Drew. But when she tries to bring him home, her parents refuse to relinquish control of the grandson they’d raised.Wrongly accused of a horrible crime, Thomas Boyd has buried himself in his career, determined to forget his painful past and the family he lost. But now, five years later, Catherine is back, requesting his help to regain custody of their son — custody he thought she had.Though older and wiser, when courtroom battles reveal lies and secrets and generations of pain, will Thomas and Catherine find more tragedy and loss, or will old wounds finally heal?


“I enjoyed the story and the journey the family had to take to discover the truth and begin the process of healing. Ms. Rizzo has a true writing skill that will lend itself to a colorful career. I definitely recommend this read and look forward to watching Ms. Rizzo’s Career blossom and strengthen.”  – Jamala Goodman, Guest Writer for IAmJmariie Magazine

“Heart wrenching. A story every mother will love to read, but will pray never happens to them. A highly relatable and well-crafted cast of characters and a plot that both thrills and angers the reader simultaneously. Emotional, beautifully written, and well-paced. I enjoyed this story tremendously. . . Secrets, betrayals, old wounds and new beginnings t, this story has it all. Well done and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.”  – Judge,Writers Digest Self-Published e-Book Awards

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