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A Practical Toolset for Leaders… From Manager to Executive: Take Your Career to the Next Level by Tom Gardner

From Manager to Executive: Take Your Career to the Next Level

by Tom Gardner
5.0 stars – 12 reviews
Everyday Price: $9.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Executive Management is a mindset.
A mindset that you can now cultivate to accelerate your path from manager to executive.
From Manager To Executive lays out the thinking and being gaps that stand between intermediate managers and the boardroom of their dreams. Applicable to people leaders from new managers to seasoned executives, this book draws from real-life experiences spanning years of consulting and working with and being an executive in high-performing environments.
Working with the 5S Model of Executive Thinking, any people leader will be significantly more effective on Monday. This will accelerate their path to the boardroom and develop them into an executive manager others love to work with.
Distill your executive essence.

If you like Paula Hawkins, Gillian Flynn, Karen M McManus and Vanessa Garbin, you’ll love… GONE BUT NOT: An utterly gripping twisty psychological thriller by Shane Spyre

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GONE BUT NOT: An utterly gripping twisty psychological thriller

by Shane Spyre
3.6 stars – 220 reviews
Kindle Price: 99 cents
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Here’s the set-up:

An utterly mind-blowing psychological thriller you won’t be able to put down!

Ten-year-old Iris thinks she’s going on an outing with her mother. She has no idea that by the end of the day she’ll be someone else.

She is picked up by the police. Lost for two years, now miraculously found. Apparently, her real name is Charlotte and her real mother is waiting for her.

Returned home, there are pictures of her with this strange family – the Gallaghers – all around the house. Everything she thought was true appears to have been a lie.

But her newfound family aren’t quite the perfect unit they claim to be. Are they just being protective of a traumatized child, or is Charlotte right that they are keeping secrets from her?

She gradually pieces together her real past yet, discovering what lurks there, might it have been better to be kept in the dark?

GONE BUT NOT is the second sensational psychological thriller by Shane Spyre. Look out for his debut novel, WHICH CHILD.

If you like Paula Hawkins, Gillian Flynn, Karen M McManus and Vanessa Garbin, you’ll love this book.

Explore the many avenues of transformation that uninvited change can bring… Watching for Dragonflies: A Caregiver’s Transformative Journey by Suzanne Marriott

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Watching for Dragonflies: A Caregiver’s Transformative Journey

by Suzanne Marriott
4.4 stars – 34 reviews
Everyday Price: $8.95
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“I found it unique and inspiring that the couple worked hard to keep their love alive and their sex life active while facing serious health challenges. . . . What a highly inspiring and impactful book!” —Readers’ Favorite, 5-star review

“Spirituality is a central theme throughout the memoir. . . . A moving story of love, loss, illness, and the beauty that persists.” —Kirkus Reviews

Suzanne’s story begins with a phone call from her husband, Michael, telling her he has collapsed on the job. They soon learn he has multiple sclerosis. Despite the negative patterns threatening their marriage, she is determined to handle the caregiving tasks suddenly thrust upon her. Through love, psychological insights, and spiritual inquiry, she cultivates her abilities—and gains the courage to confront a medical system that often saves her husband but at other times threatens his life. As time progresses, Michael undergoes many hospitalizations; he also makes miraculous recoveries that allow adventure back into their lives, including a numinous experience with dragonflies. When Suzanne faces her own medical crisis, their world is shaken once again—but throughout it all, love is their bond, one even death cannot sever.

In Watching for Dragonflies, Suzanne reaches out to other caregivers and anyone who has experienced a life-changing crisis, inviting them to explore the many avenues of growth and transformation that uninvited change can bring. Often poignant, at times funny, and always riveting, Watching for Dragonflies will bring comfort—and inspiration—to readers as they navigate their own transformative journey.

Her life changes forever as she becomes unwittingly linked to his secret society of Jesters… A Fool’s Errand (In All Jest Book 1) by DE King

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A Fool’s Errand (In All Jest Book 1)

by DE King
4.5 stars – 17 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Watching over the kin and scraping up what work she could, was Lani’s lot, and she’d come to terms with it. Up until she stumbled on Ashantha dying in the town’s wood storage cave, that is.

There in his final breaths, he pleads with her to protect a jewel he has given his life over.

In those moments, her life changes forever as she becomes unwittingly linked to his secret society of Jesters.

The amulet Lani takes possession of is the key to an eight-hundred-year-old secret previously hidden behind a magic barrier that has begun to crack.

What begins as a journey to find answers quickly becomes a matter of life and death as she runs from Derk assassins sent to retrieve the jewel at any cost.

Far from home, halfway across Dharatan, Lani must find the only person Ashantha told her could be trusted with the amulet and free herself of its deadly burden.

A Fool’s Errand is Book 1 in the In All Jest series, an epic fantasy series by author D.E. King.

Legendary criminal defense attorney, Sarah Knight, has spent her life hiding the unspeakable secrets of her past… Dark Moon: A Legal Thriller by Deborah Hawkins

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Dark Moon, A Legal Thriller (The Warrick Thompson Files Book 1)

by Deborah Hawkins
4.3 stars – 4,673 reviews
Everyday Price: $5.99
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

If you like fast-paced action, authentic courtroom conflicts, and edge-of-your-seat twists, then you’ll love Dark Moon, A Legal Thriller!

The fix is in to convict a former U.S. Supreme Court Clerk of the murder of her ex-husband unless legendary criminal defense attorney Sarah Knight can beat the odds. No one knows why Sarah left her prestigious partnership at New York powerhouse Craig, Lewis, and Weller to set up a solo shop in San Diego, but Sarah’s marching orders from the appointments clerk of the San Diego Superior Court are clear: lose this case or you’ll never work in this town again.

Coleman Reed, now a United States Supreme Court Justice, still owns the legal community in San Diego just as much as he did when he was a partner at Warrick, Thompson. From his lofty perch in Washington, D.C., he has decreed that his ex-daughter-in-law belongs on death row and to hell with due process. Sarah Knight, with her international reputation, is the perfect attorney to make things look good while throwing her client’s case. But there’s just one problem: Sarah is also the only attorney in San Diego willing to stand up to Coleman Reed. And she stubbornly believes her client is innocent despite the mountain of evidence against her.

Jim Mitchell, ex-FBI agent turned private investigator, has come to San Diego to escape his own painful past. He’s intrigued by the driven, hard-drinking defense attorney with the mysterious scar on her cheek, and he persuades Sarah to make him part of the defense team. Jim quickly proves his value when he discovers that Coleman’s son had a taste for high-priced call girls and was entangled in an extensive pattern of criminal financial dealings. But just when it looks like Jim has won the advantage for the defense, Coleman Reed manipulates the trial judge to exclude their star witness on the eve of trial. With her client’s life hanging in the balance, Sarah must decide if she’s willing to risk her own life to defeat Coleman Reed.Dark Moon, A Legal Thriller is the first standalone novel in the riveting Warrick-Thompson Files series.

What would you risk to save your family? Grid Lost: A Small Town Post Apocalypse EMP Thriller Boxset by James Hunt

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Grid Lost: A Small Town Post Apocalypse EMP Thriller Boxset

by James Hunt
4.7 stars – 12 reviews
Everyday Price: $6.99
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Complete Six-Book Box Set from the Best-Selling EMP Thriller Series – Last Island!

What would you risk to save your family?

Former United States Department of Defense contractor Charlie Owens resigned from his position with the government to live a life off-grid. After building a cabin on a small island in the Pacific Northwest, the detonation of an EMP sets into motion a series of events that will test Charlie and his family in ways he never imagined.

Liars, Murderers, and Thieves: The Prince of Darkness is looking to hire. Queen of the Blood Throne (Descendants of The Fates Book 2) by Rhiannon Hargadon

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Queen of the Blood Throne (Descendants of The Fates Book 2)

by Rhiannon Hargadon
4.3 stars – 52 reviews
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Here’s the set-up:

Liars, Murderers, and Thieves: The Prince of Darkness is looking to hire.

Petty thief Malinda Castan cares about one thing: saving enough money to leave the Nightingale, a house of cutpurses and unsavory characters, so that she can have a normal life. She lives under one rule: reciprocity – a life for a life, favor for favor. So when the Prince of Darkness saves her from being killed, and offers her one last job that will pay more than she could earn in a lifetime, she says yes not only for the money… but because she owes him.

The Prince of Darkness is fire and ice. Cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes, he only wants one thing: the Eternal Slumber, the mask of Death. A prisoner in his own castle, the Prince of Darkness has been learning dark magic as a way to protect himself and his people from the cruelty of their Queen… with limited success.

To steal the mask, she’ll pose as his betrothed, even while suspecting him of lying about his motivations and his past.
To save her own life, she’ll master dark magic and make deals with multiple Gods.
And to save him, she’ll stake her most precious possession: her heart.