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This Saturday’s MUST READ:
A Story of Love and Business Gone Terribly Wrong

Travel From Upstate New York to the Exotic Playground of Old Taipei

The Hour Between One and Two
by Thomas Timmins, Now $2.99


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The Hour Between One and Two

by Thomas Timmins
The Hour Between One and Two
4.0 stars – 2 Reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:
If you thought tofu was bland and virtuous, welcome to the dark comedic world of THE HOUR BETWEEN ONE AND TWO—in the new genre ‘tofu noir’. You’ll travel from the American Tofu Company in upstate New York—where a woman is found dead in a vat of tofu—to Old Taipei where it seems anything goes. Then to Hunts Point, the planet’s largest produce market, rife with exotic foods and people. Join mercurial but self-destructive entrepreneur Charlie Greer and his best friend—Genevieve O’Connor, creative, independent and vulnerable to seduction—as they do whatever it takes to overcome the peril and loss arising from their passionate drive for love and freedom. Fast-paced and exotic, The Hour Between One and Two trilogy shocks and surprises with its portrayal of the moral challenges and consequences of impulsive decisions that are too close to almost everyone’s reality.


Personal, sexy, brilliant, believable intrigue on speed. A MUST!

“The book is easy to read, with interesting details and plot twists. Interesting to learn about whole sale food business and marketing.”

Thomas Timmins has published and performed his fiction and poetry in person and in print across the U.S. and on the internet. He founded Fractals, a literary tabloid and ran Poets and Players, a spoken word and music performance series.

Having had more jobs than most itinerant workers, he turned the experiences into fodder for his literary work and confidence to found create and manage his own projects, for a living and for community service. Thomas developed and taught writing and coaching programs for inmates, published commercial writing, founded, managed, and advised several small businesses ranging from soyfoods to ice cream to telephone fundraising to biological pest control to a video game start-up to energy efficiency retrofits and a media company. (Some might think all of these projects reveal an innate instability, though Thomas believes it’s more about the Crooked Path he and everyone meander.) Blood Medicine, The Special Fruit Company, and Down at the River comprise the three-book series of The Hour between One and Two.

The Hour Between One and Two was just published and it is a single-volume edition of a trilogy comprised of Blood Medicine, The Special Fruit Company, and Down at the River.

Thomas Timmins

 “The Hour Between One and Two is a genre-bending ‘tofu noir’. Compare it to Fargo with less violence, more sex, no justice … and in a tofu factory.”   – David Grant, author, Random Take Off, President, Common Lot Productions


“From upstate New York to the exotic playgrounds of Old Taipei, this story of love and business gone terribly wrong is by turns hilarious, disturbing, and too close to home for comfort..”   – Amy Westbrook, Riverrun Reviews


“Timmins, like the Monkey of the Chinese zodiac, dazzles, tricks, and nibbles on our ear in this tantalizing feast of words…”   – Angela Borda, bostonbakerybabe.com

 Thomas Timmins has a website: www.thomastimmins.com

Thomas Timmins has an author page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/author.thomas.timmins     

Thomas Timmins has a Goodreads author profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8160932  

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