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Falling in love at the workplace can be so inconvenient, but sometimes, inevitable…
Misled (Hidden Lies Book 1) by Lea Griffith

Misled (Hidden Lies Book 1)

by Lea Griffith

Misled (Hidden Lies Book 1)
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

This book was previously published under the title Fistful of Roses, and has been reedited and revised for this release.

She wants something she’s never had… his love.

Sophie Hanson has done the unthinkable—she’s fallen in love with her boss. She wasn’t prepared for the punch of his gaze or the feel of his arms around her. The fact that he’s her boss notwithstanding, she wants him with a force that is becoming harder to ignore.

He needs something he’s afraid to hold on to… her.

Ryan Locke wants the unthinkable—Sophie Hanson. That she’s his employee is quickly becoming irrelevant. Employer-employee relationships are a landmine but he’s willing to overlook the danger in the face of his overwhelming desire for her.

Sometimes love can be misled.

Overcoming that employer-employee barrier isn’t the issue. A depth of feeling neither have experienced before isn’t the issue. Sometimes it’s the hidden things which come to light that could ruin a love before it’s had a chance to properly begin.

Click here to visit Lea Griffith’s Amazon author page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Misled (Hidden Lies Book 1):

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