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Two fishermen stumble across 150 pounds of cocaine adrift in the Gulf Stream. With a street value over eight million dollars, their financial woes are over… But other headaches begin…
Subtropical High: A Florida Cocaine Caper by Gregory Dew

Subtropical High: A Florida Cocaine Caper
4.3 stars – 46 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

Luck turns when two fishermen stumble across 150 pounds of cocaine adrift in the Gulf Stream. With a street value over eight million dollars, the grungy duo sets up a buyer then rumbles through Florida in their 1973 El Camino to unload the square grouper and end their financial woes.

Unfortunately, in their efforts to make the rendezvous, they become unexpectedly entangled with a host of unsavory characters, including an expatriate haunted by his single testicle, a destitute real estate developer with a penchant for GMILFs, a toupee-wearing pederast, Florida’s first closet-gay Governor, and a game warden turned eco-maniac, all of whom must be dealt with as a Category 5 hurricane, Cyclone Tyrone, spins ashore.

5-star Amazon reviews:

Great, wacky story about so many colorful characters in the southern latitudes and how each find solace or doom at the end of this tale.

Subtropical High is a book I would recommend to readers like a funny crime/mystery stories. The cast of characters are larger than life and jump right off the page. Good read.

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