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Cross a tattoo artist with wanderlust and a hardcore cowboy, stand back and watch the sparks ignite…
Breaking A Bad Boy: Takes A Bad Girl (Bad Boys Book 7) by Susan Arden

Breaking A Bad Boy: Takes A Bad Girl (Bad Boys Book 7)

by Susan Arden

Breaking A Bad Boy: Takes A Bad Girl (Bad Boys Book 7)
4.7 stars – 23 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

Cross a tattoo artist with wanderlust and a hardcore cowboy, stand back and watch the sparks ignite.

When excitement blasts into Annona in the form of a fast-talking grifter and then Hellhound, a rock band from L.A., both Rory and Sommer are provoked to do more
than sit on the sidelines. He’s ready to settle down and stake his claim in his
family’s ranch. At the same time, she wonders what life would be like if they
moved away after her friend splits with the band.To compound the growing pains of becoming an adult, Sommer is working hard to
spread her wings in a small town where talk is cheap. That means keeping a lid
on the hardships she endures at home.Amidst chaos and changes, Rory refuses to be another wild McLemore on the
loose until Sommer’s threatened. The grifter turns out to be more dangerous
than a con artist. And from bad things get worse. A demented stalker puts in
motion an offer too good to be true. Unlocking his dark temper, Rory takes off
after Sommer to protect her and prove, he’s still the fiery untamed cowboy she
fell in love with years ago.


“Sommer is a tattoo artist… crazy in love with Rory and is frustrated by his no sex until they are married rule. It’s driving her crazy. Slowly but surely she convinces him to come over to the dark side. The sexual tension literally leaps off of the pages.” ~~Night Owl Review

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