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“Gripping tale that tugs at the heartstrings!” FREE for a short time! Justice for the Black Knight by Jerri Blair. An inspirational tale of friendship extending beyond the borders of race, which also takes a realistic look at the process of obtaining justice.

“…superbly crafted…intricately detailed…must read story of relationships, prejudice and bravery, a vivid paeon for justice.”- Kirkus Reviews

Justice for the Black Knight

by Jerri Blair

Justice for the Black Knight
4.9 stars – 12 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
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Here’s the set-up:

“Justice for the Black Knight” won the 2015 Beverley Hills Book Award for Best Legal Thriller. It was awarded the prestigious star by Kirkus Reviews which called it “…superbly crafted…intricately detailed…a must read story of relationships, prejudice and bravery, a vivid paeon for justice.” Red City Review wrote that it “…quite astutely tackles the topic of racism, combining the best attributes of legal thrillers like ‘The Firm’ with the exploratory and contemplative tone of subtle but powerful works of literature like Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man.” Clarion Reviews called it “…a twentieth century law and order fable…that has the feel of a true crime mystery, coming of age novel, and high stakes courtroom drama rolled into one…”

This dramatic legal thriller is a story of beautiful relationships wrapped in a dark mystery from the distant past that will decide the fate of a man on trial for his life. Ruby and Annabelle, who became friends during the shadow of the Great Depression, crossing the boundaries that separated them by race, are reunited at the murder trial of Ruby’s brother, the last person either of them want to believe would commit such a heinous crime. When they were children, Freddie had created a childhood alter ego called the “Black Knight,” who vowed to fight injustice in the world, and had tried to live up to that ideal throughout his life. But now, Freddie finds himself on trial for the brutal murder of an elderly man of stellar reputation, facing the death penalty, represented by an incompetent attorney, and unlikely to receive the justice he thinks, but isn’t sure, he deserves.

 Justice for the Black Knight is the story of a 1981 trial, where Annabelle and Ruby reach back into the past to try to prove that Freddie is a hero instead of a villain. It is an inspirational tale of friendship extending beyond the borders of race, which also takes an exciting and realistic look at the process of obtaining justice through the legal system.


“…quite astutely tackles the topic of racism, combining the best attributes of legal thrillers like ‘The Firm’ with the exploratory and contemplative tone of subtle but powerful works of literature like Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man.'”-“Red City Review”

“…a twentieth century law and order fable…that has the feel of a true crime mystery, coming of age novel, and high stakes courtroom drama all rolled into one…”-“Clarion Reviews”

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