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Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry by Robin Webb

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Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry

by Robin Webb

Skinny Chick!: The Secret Formula for Losing Fat Quickly Without Ever Being Hungry
4.4 stars – 16 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

The secret formula to effortless fat loss, ending your cravings and bad eating habits for good! This book is for all people who have tried and failed with other programs to lose weight, those who can’t keep the weight off or anybody who would like to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Robin Webb, Certified Nutritionist walks you through the last diet program you will ever need. She developed this program after gaining 65 pounds with her first pregnancy and finding it impossible to shake the excess weight after she had the baby. She currently has a clinic in Denver, CO where she has helped hundreds of people achieve the weight loss results they have always desired and never thought they could have. You will lose weight in pure fat percentage, quicker than you ever thought possible without starving yourself and learn a realistic way to keep it off for good! Robin teaches you how and why our body stores fat and what you can do to flip on your internal fat burner! All in a healthy, doable way that will leave you feeling great and energized, you will not be hungry! On top of the weight loss protocol thoroughly explained; this book will also give you practical tips for optimizing your workout, recipes, ways to overcome mental blocks, a deep understanding of how your body processes food and what foods to avoid for health and weight loss. Most importantly, you will finally know how to achieve the body and health status you have always dreamed of. To learn more about Robin Webb visit amazon.com/author/robinwebb. To learn more about Robin’s one of a kind weight loss program as well as to read more reviews, visit www.completeweightlossandwellness.com

Reviews From Former Clients of Robin Webb’s and Skinny Chick! Readers…

This weight loss program is simply the best there is. I have lost and gained weight my entire life. It was always very easy to gain weight and very difficult to lose it again. I can’t believe how quickly I lost weight and how different it was from previous times I have lost weight. I have always been irritable, hungry and miserable while losing weight before. On Robin’s program I felt great, better than I ever have! It was almost too good to be true. No matter how hard I worked I could never lose my “muffin top”, now, it is gone! I lost 30 pounds total and so far, I have kept it off! I really think my battle with my weight is over. It used to be so hard and now it is just easy. I wish I had the knowledge and tools in this book 20 years ago. Thank you Robin.
Stacey M.

I loved it so much, I read it in 2 days. Since I moved, I have wanted to do the protocol again, and couldn’t find my print out. I am so happy to have it digitally now! Skinny Chick is amazing! So straightforward and eye opening. Thank you for putting your expertise and experience in one place. The 90/10 rule has really helped me stay on track, while living a fun, social life. I am so happy the Skinny Chick protein will be available on amazon.com. Since moving away from Denver, I have tried at least 20 protein powders and none are as delicious and low carb as yours. I have tried many diets and Robin’s is by far the easiest and most effective. There are no pills or shots, just nutrition and science. On the protocol, I wasn’t hungry and after the first few days of adjusting, I felt great and had more energy than normal. The Skinny Chick shakes really fill you up and are delicious! I travel a lot, so they’re the perfect thing to have with me on the road. The protocol really helped me change my relationship with food as well as not gain weight every time I travel.
Courtney Stewart

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